Key takeaways from Tuesday’s Jan. 6 hearing l GMA

The hearing centered on testimony from former Trump administration staffers and allies, including former White House counsel Pat Cipollone and Sidney Powell, an outside attorney advising Trump.

#ABCNews #Trump #January6


Author: avnblogfeed


28 thoughts on “Key takeaways from Tuesday’s Jan. 6 hearing l GMA

  1. "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," ~ Barack Obama
    Put Obama behind bars, for inciting countless BLM and ANTIFA riots, including an "insurrection" at the Capital building, long before January 6.

  2. Virtually all lawyers agree that there's not a snowball's chance in hell that Trump will ever get convicted of anything.
    Gotta wonder if Trump is so unpopular and unelectable, why are Dems so DESPERATE to make sure he doesn't run again.

  3. I think ALL those involved in the Attempted Coup and insurrection on the nation's capital should go to Guantanamo Bay with ALL the other terrorist!

  4. I was in the capital that day… I damaged nothing but I took some laptops. Omg the filth I’m looking at. I’m going to be releasing the information soon. Tic toc

  5. If you wanna see how evil, power hungery,, manipulative and underhanded the left are towards trump and ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH TRUMP, watch the prime video documentary "TRUMP CARD." I am not kidding you this is an eye opener!! It's all documented it was all on the news, but the media pushed their own spin on what happened. Not what really happened to these people that crossed the democrats. This is what was really done to people that were even associated at any level to Donald Trump by the democrats, right down to murder. It is wicked, underhanded, pure evis pure, and the FBI they are totally, totally evil.

  6. Anyone who believes this is a legitimate investigation has their head in a bucket. In case you haven’t noticed no one accused has been given any chance to defend themselves and never will because it’s a one sided bull crap show. America is sick of this nonsense . Can’t wait til they are voted out. Even all the democrats money won’t save Cheney and kinzinger. Hopefully schiff and the rest will be a bad memory soon.

  7. Well you convinced me.
    either he did it on purpose and hes a horrible person or he got duped into doing it Because hes weak willed and callow
    Either way doesn't need to be in any position of power.

  8. This man need to be locked up.. He's a traitor and loves Putin him and his followers. America do your job. All these inside terriost. Good grief

  9. Enough information has been presented for everyone involved to be charged with some type of crime. I get so sick of hearing people that are being interviewed say , we need more evidence. More LIES.

  10. It's the Democrats that "OVERTOOK" the elections…if Trump did anything he tried to get his election back which was STOLEN. If Trump is lying then why don't Democrats let him talk and present his evidence so they can prove him wrong…fact is they can't prove him wrong because he isn't!

  11. Jan. 6 wasn't an insurrection. Stop calling it what it isn’t.

    Derek Snyder

    Sat, January 15, 2022, 5:08 AM

    Words have meaning.

    The events of Jan. 6 have been described by Senator Schumer as a date that will live in infamy — harkening back to FDR’s words after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Others have compared Jan. 6 with 9-11. Some historians declared it to be the worst act of rebellion since the nation’s founding, while others believe there’s been nothing like it since the Civil War. The news media and the Left use “insurrection” to describe Jan. 6.

    They’re all wrong.

    Historically, Shays’ Rebellion (1786-1787), the Whiskey Rebellion (1790), and Fries Rebellion (1799) were actual acts of insurrection.

    Post-Civil War, the Wilmington Insurrection (1898) is by far worse than Jan. 6. Another one, the Battle of Athens, TN (1946), involved local armed WWII GIs taking over the town, forcing the corrupt sheriff to hide in the jail clinging to the election ballot boxes, until he finally surrendered and the GIs’ candidate won the election. There were the L.A. riots of 1992.

    And the BLM riots during the summer of 2020 caused 18 deaths, over $1 billion dollars in damage, including federal and state buildings, and in some cities sovereign nations were declared.

    Jan. 6. caused $1.5 million in damage and, despite what was often reported, one person was killed. An unarmed woman, Ashley Babbitt, was shot by a Capitol police officer. The officer’s interview on NBC resulted in more questions than answers about why he fired his weapon and killed Babbitt.

    The word insurrection is a legal term. Under federal law it’s a crime to incite or engage in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the U.S. or its laws. Black’s Law Dictionary defines insurrection as “a violent revolt against oppressive authority.” It is to be distinguished from a mob or riot based on organization of an armed uprising. Mobs and riots can involve unlawful and violent acts, but they aren’t necessarily insurrections. A revolt is an act to overthrow the government. Insurrection, therefore, requires an organized group that plans an attack to overthrow the government.

    To date, a small percentage of the approximately 725 charged have been accused of violent crimes, and no charges of rebellion or insurrection have been filed. Around 165 have pled guilty to charges — mostly to misdemeanors. Only 30 were given jail time. The FBI investigation has yielded little evidence of a coordinated and organized attack. Instead, 95 percent of the participants were acting individually.

    An AP story intending to link Trump to the riot published some of the comments made by participants during court appearances. None of them stated that the event was planned. Indeed, most indicated they didn’t really know why they did it. They said they felt inspired by Trump’s comments and believed the election was fraudulent, but there was no organized or coordinated plan to attack the Capitol.

    Most of the Jan. 6 participants have been charged with trespass. One local man was at the Capitol dressed as George Washington for selfies. A woman from Missouri recently admitted being at the Capitol and stealing a broken sign.

    Video footage shows people walking single file past idle officers as they entered the building. Afterward, most exited on their own accord.

    Very few were arrested that day. Since Jan. 6, the DOJ has used a campaign of “shock and awe” to round up and detain people, again predominantly charged with misdemeanors. Compared with the BLM riots, prosecutors do seem more zealous about Jan. 6. Yet, insurrection charges haven’t been filed.

    Confrontation between officers and rioters did happen. Violence definitely occurred. But, the only shot fired was, again, by the officer who killed Babbitt.

    Jan. 6 was a horrible event. People who acted violently or damaged property should be prosecuted. Those who unlawfully trespassed should also be prosecuted. But as bad as Jan. 6 actually was, it was not the worst in American history. It can’t be compared to Pearl Harbor or 9-11. It’s not even the worst this century.

    Because words have meaning, Jan. 6 can’t be called an “insurrection” just to satisfy the urge to convey a particular seriousness of the event or to propagate a political narrative. This type of narrative is aimed at silencing conservatives, not describing what happened that day. Most participants were not violent people. They weren’t acting as part of a coordinated rebellion. There was no intent to topple the government. They were impassioned citizens at a rally that turned into a riot. It was shameful, but not an insurrection.

  12. He apologized to officers at the Capital. Is he also apologizing for the death of Ashley Babbitt? Has he contacted her parents? is he a co-conspirator in her death? Is he a co-conspirator in the riot? Is he a co-conspirator in the fraud that enslaved a nation? Wow, this could be pages.

  13. January 6th happened to keep the American public from knowing that the Election was stolen and to make sure the actually Elected Official would never be in office again.

  14. The Vatican owns Washington D.C., Trump should have a new Capital built somewhere and maybe bury the swamps influence in our Politics! 2 freedom loving Countries lost for a Climate hoax? Sold seems more obvious.

  15. Every States Election results are posted the night of, or early the next morning, or it's obviously fraud.
    California was still counting votes Jan. 6th. New York too from what I heard. November 2020 was America being attacked from within for European desires. I now see Europe as the threat, more than Russia or China.

  16. Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the cop that murdered Ashley Babbitt. It was her job to make sure the Capital wasn't breached. It's now clear that she did all this to hide the fact that They stole a presidential Election.

  17. Donald Trump? No!!! Nancy Pelosi rejected Trumps request for the National guard to protect the capital. Bombs in Capital hill, props I think, never investigated. Capital Police Officer murders woman without sufficient reason unless ordered too. FBI handing out weapons and encouraging violence. More! This was a coup.

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