Lake Tahoe Evacuated As Caldor Fire Spreads

The Caldor Fire has burned more than 200 thousand acres and forced evacuations from Lake Tahoe, which would normally see hundreds of thousands of visitors ahead of Labor Day. NBC News’ Jake Ward breaks down the latest on efforts to save Lake Tahoe and how local businesses are coping with the lack of tourists.

#CaldorFire #LakeTahoe #Wildfires


Author: avnblogfeed


50 thoughts on “Lake Tahoe Evacuated As Caldor Fire Spreads

  1. It might not burn for right now. 1st angel sounds and has a censor filled full of fire and blood and a 1/3 of the trees and a 1/3 all green burn on earth repent to God Jesus Christ is a good Idea.

  2. Almighty God is Angry. This is only the beginning. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions floods will continue. Get back to God and save yourself and your loved ones.

  3. Nobody should complain ever about the lack of tourists, when the priority is to save homes and businesses. The firefighters and everyone involved have went above and beyond for the community, for the people and the animals and the business owners. There’s so much to be grateful for! I know it isn’t over yet, but still.

  4. No worries. Some of the over 100 thousand criminals who were let out of prison by Gavin Newsom will be there to steal everything that isn't tied down.

  5. Told y'all things are just going to get worse…maybe folks should just start treating people right and doing the right things 😏 ijs

  6. Death is imminent.
    Fires, flooding, droughts, heat domes, covid variants…
    Only Jesus gives hope. This world is not our home. God has put eternity in our hearts. The kind of longing, only He can fill.
    Let me share with you the Good News of salvation.
    First, the Bible tells us in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We are all sinners before God’s holy eyes. And our sin has a penalty. Romans 6:23 , “ For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
    Second, Believe in the Lord Jesus. John 1:12 “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” Believe that Jesus died and was resurrected to pay for the penalty of your sins. Salvation is a gift, you just have to receive it. It is not something you have to work for. Jesus did the work for us.
    Third, receive the Lord Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. You can say this simple sinner’s prayer. The prayer itself wont save you, but your faith in Jesus:
    God, I believe that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. I believe  that Jesus died on the cross for me and   was resurrected to pay for my sins.
    I accept the Lord Jesus into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior. From now on, You will be the king in my life. Take me to Heaven when I die.
    In Jesus’ precious name, I pray,
    If you have prayed wholeheartedly, then you are now saved. Read the Bible, you can start with John and Romans. Pray everyday. Find a church that preaches the Good News of salvation. Share the Good News of salvation to others.

  7. lots of people really don't understand climate change,  just what are they saying?  in their double language – Either it is by nature, or it is by man.  Because man now is really doing things they haven't in the past done, in the situation they have now.. And with this new technology; a lot of ideas have opened up. So I do believe that science has a big part of nature coming out of balance. because of man doing and just calling it climate change to take your mind off of what is really going on.

  8. Get used to it people! This is not even the opening act 2 what will occur over the next few decades. Just keep burning that gas in your cars! The Earth has no windows that we can open to Let the Smoke Out

  9. The hotel manager is given air time. This demonstrates the inability of "News" to grasp an important underlying issue: Our world is becoming slowly less and less hospitable to us humans. FYI, our solar system doesn't care if Earth slowly becomes Mars. So we need to hear the Hotel Manager tell us about the lack of tourists. Crazy.

  10. World: Floods in Germany, China, Britain, New Zealand and America caused by Global Warming.

    US: "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." D.Trump

    Native: "Your kids can name more KPop groups than they can types of native trees." Sean Sherman

    China: "Ecology is a resource, wealth and treasure." Xi Jinping

  11. "Self interest is for the past; common interest is for the future." D. Attenborough

    Lu'sè Changcheng (Great green wall) can be seen from space.

    A fire from a US gender reveal party was seen from space.

    Start using goats to clear forest brush and start dobbing in Fire Karens.

  12. Was there last month for 3 days, went back to bay for a day and came back again.. it was so beautiful and serene… I can’t believe how much change happened…

  13. I keep hearing this is first time or second time fire has burn over the Sierras and that is patently false. For instance in 2008 two fires burned over the top of the Sierras down in the Golden Trout region. What has happened to MSM you cant seem to get your facts straight, gues it comes from lying so many times by omission.

  14. CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS must be held to address something that transcends politics and we will never properly advance until it happens: The 75+yr ongoing
    EXTRATERRESTRIAL cover-up. How can we truly believe anything our elected officials say?

  15. I have visited Tahoe 3 times and it’s a lovely place…sincere prayers for Lake Tahoe to come out of this terrible fire soon

  16. Loved living in Tahoe in the 90s so sad too watch such a beautiful place burn down . We came within 5 miles of loosing our town in Oregon last year never felt so hopeless .

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