New details on death of notorious Boston mob boss

The New York Times reports James “Whitey” Bulger, 89, was found severely beaten in the West Virginia prison where he had just been transferred.


Author: avnblogfeed


35 thoughts on “New details on death of notorious Boston mob boss

  1. I BELIEVE THE SYSTEM ALLOWEDhis murder was backed up by the guards themselves. I dont believe anyone should ever become an informant for the POLICE or FBI, because you will not be protected by them. They are back STABBER themselves. I just dont understand how people can celebrate his death knowing someday you yourself are going to die too.. What was the point of Whitley death he was an old old man and how dare they play god. I feel sorry for him his JUSTICE should co m.h e from god not others that have done just as WORST crimes then whitely himself. God ACCOUNTABILITY should not be Lefted to people that are crooked themselves. The irony of it all.

  2. I honestly think and feel that whitey knew he was going to be killed at some point, and it was his own way of getting out of doing all that time inside prison…

    I mean, the guy already lived all of his best life on the run, and now he is an old man without much of a life to live behind bar's, so getting himself killed really didn't mean that much to him anymore…

    I could be wrong! but in my gut, I feel that's what he really wanted…

  3. It's a little too obvious this was set up by the authorities. What scares me is that they didn't care enough to try and hide it. Any of it.

  4. when bulger was alive and running the city, none of these cowards in the comment section would dare say anything about him. what disgusted me was, all of the cowards who lined up to kick bulger when he was down, arrested and in court, who wouldn't dare look at him cross eyed years ago, and most of these cowards were worse than bulger. the news media was doing their usual job of lying and propagandizing the whole thing. even when the boston FBI stated years before that, "bulger never really gave them any good, truthful or helpful info", and that "any good info attributed to bulger was put in his file wrongfully by FBI agents", they still lied and called him an informant when he was arrested to make him look bad to the public, so the trial would go their way. the criminal FBI agents who were paid by bulger for info wanted to shut him up.
    FBI informants are protected in prison, like gravano, and flemmi, both prolific killers, who each killed far more people than bulger. flemmi had the motive to kill the 2 women, davis and hussy. they were directly associated to flemmi, and he had the reasons to kill them. gravano is out now, telling every lie in the book about how great he is, and how bad gotti was in online interviews. apparently he's allowed by his FBI protectors to do this. gravano doesn't say that, the only reason he survived in prison, where he says he had it "real bad", was because he was protected the entire time in prison by the FBI.
    yes, live by the sword, die by the sword, unless you're a protected FBI rat. and it's very easy to criticize someone and lie about someone when they're dead, isn't it?.

  5. Wow many ppl I see or very naive to and ignorant to federal usp’s!thats not diss that means to not know n having awareness of a youth or foreigner.there is no pc(protective custody)in fed pens!also guys understand please “it’s the feds” there’s a million big shots n king pins 🙄.whitey being killed is no big deal trust he only big to many of y’all bc of media and movies and if ur Irish your ppl probaly sensationalized his 😮funny to me how so many of yall saying it’s conspiracy and how was he in population etc lmao ummmmm bc he wanted to be there and also he is nobody special or big in feds!!!anyway much love !

  6. The FBI and the BOP were behind Bulger's death as they wanted to shut him up!!! Freddy Geas is next, count on it!!! Moving Bulger from Florida to West Virgina out of the clean blue and no one see anything wrong with that?

  7. Whitey was under failing health and he wanted to be killed! This was a setup from the get-go! He didn't want to die in prison from natural causes this is just what I believe! Whitey orchestrated his own death!

  8. Sam Gravano hated rats too just lije Freddie and look what he did !Again i say i do not advocate anything Jim may or may not have done …but keep in mind he was 89 years old …sooner or later you will hear that the people involved in that will end up doing the same thing .

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