Putin intends to recognize 2 Russian-controlled separatist regions as independent

“I deem it necessary to immediately recognize the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk,” Putin said.

#Russia #Ukraine #VladimirPutin


Author: avnblogfeed


47 thoughts on “Putin intends to recognize 2 Russian-controlled separatist regions as independent

  1. Vladimir, Mr. Putin, I’m not sure if you’ve been able to read any of my comments, but I wanted to point out, I can relate to being angry with the United States, to being surrounded by hypocrites who think they are better than everyone else and can bully everyone into doing what they say, I’ve had dark urges to hurt myself and others, I too feel like I’ve been steam rolled by the US in many respects. I also have Russian heritage, and loved my Russian piano teacher so much because she stood up to my parents indirectly and with great dexterity and intelligence, and treated me like I was worthy and capable of learning from her, she treated me in a very Russian manner. As a US citizen, I felt this was an incredible compliment and act of kindness. She’d push and hit my hands, tell me they were going to need to get bigger, and in a month I was playing Billy Joel (he’s not bad, I loved “Still Rock and Roll to Me,” and I am sure you can agree his music requires great dexterity). She refused to teach my sister, and FINALLY someone made it clear that I was the one with talent and my sister simply had to be ok with that. It was scary for sure, but she gave me a piece of hope for my future while I was in high school, being kept up at night and cursed at for not waiting on my sister hand and foot in the bitter cold after play practice. I am sorry they ousted to Russian Embassy and accused you of spying. I’m a little confused because our voting system isn’t all that interesting, it’s more dramatic, and besides, Trump probably meant Snowden and also, I mean come on, it’s Donald Trump, Mr. Hero with no actual experience leading a country. I knew once the embassy was ousted, that was it, war was coming. Thankyou for inviting our children to the Kremlin. I loved that you know who won first over Nancy Kerrigan. That little woman made me feel better about being little, and you know, I loved that the taste for Eastern European art had finally spoken. I hated that picture with you and Donald and Melania, reason being there was nothing Russian about it, but you. It was so American, and it might sound shallow, but it was very dangerous and disrespectful she wore yellow. She should have worn a more somber and formal color, or better yet, some kind of Russian Blue. I wish you could get what you wanted without having to kill people. It’s sad you don’t believe you deserve that or are even capable of doing it, but I can relate, minus the killing part of course. Sometimes we feel we have to destroy the world to be a part of it.

  2. Let the people make the choice as they did in Crimea. Those regions have long been Russian. And this was long before the idea of Ukraine was even thought of. This is why Putin can't allow NATO encroachment. Which they have been for decades now. So I would be doing the same thing if I were him….. If anything it's Western interference and propaganda that's caused this mess.

    And who exactly makes these socalled "International Laws"?…. Did Eastern regions of the planet agree to these laws? I highly doubt it. So in my opinion these are rules put in place by those benefit from them but hurt those who do not.

    I don't side with Russia. But I definitely understand what they're doing and I definitely do not condemn it.

  3. Same suit, same tie as in the historical rant supposed to have taken place the day before , shows the duplicity of the guy. He records an "history " lesson to "his" people leaving a possibility for a peacefull solution and the next minute , in another record he declares war .

  4. Honestly I think President Joe B and Ex President Donald Trump should go against there normal morals … aka tax paying citizens and fathers and jump this punk 😂😂😂😂 although putty does look like he might have sum type training on hand to hand combat but if both punch him at the same time we might be able save the innocent

  5. Putin didn't said will invade Ukraine,only moved to Donetsk to secure that region as independent. That's not Ukraine! Why western media and their puppets spreading lies as it's invasion on Ukraine?

  6. Russian villagers comments as long as nazi are not invading & there is food they feel putin is doing a good job. That sounds like putin created russian COWS instead of creative thinking russian people. North Korea Jung nu has its people with worms & hungry but they hail him as a g. Let's send drumpf cult go to those dung countries . Putin doesn't put up with coups!
    The mentality of suppression created small brains & lots of ignorance. That's probably why putin wants to kill his own.

  7. Good thing a good amount voted for an adult in office… Only a senile adult can get us into this situation, now we can make more arms!

  8. Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua are behind Russia on the Ukraine crisis.
    I therefore recommend Russia to deploy nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua and to "reassure" the US that the missiles are not aimed at the US. In other words, to do exactly what the US has been doing in Germany for decades, namely stationing missiles with nuclear bombs in Germany and declaring that the missiles are not aimed at Russia. Let's see how the US reacts to this. It's time to show the US that the US can't do what and how it wants globally, because that's how the US has been behaving around the world for decades; with the support of the EU and Germany in the lead.
    All NATO wars of aggression "WITHOUT" UN mandates are illegal, criminal wars of aggression – with Germany's participation. They were and are bestial war crimes. And that for years and decades. So, not Russia, but NATO and its allies are the war criminals. In addition, the permanent eastward expansion of NATO, contrary to the statements by the German Foreign Minister Genscher and the US Foreign Minister Blake, not to expand NATO towards Russia; captured on video and conspicuous on the internet – but constantly denied by Western Governments and Western Mainstream Media. For decades, Russia has called for refraining from eastward expansion of NATO. But neither NATO nor its allies, especially Germany, were interested in that. In addition, the sanctions of the West against Russia. And now, finally, Russia is fighting back, with the support of Russian citizens in Ukraine. And it is not Putin who is allegedly on a war course, but rather the whole of Russia, i.e. the entire government and the military and the Russian population are now fighting back. It is time that the anti-constitutional, warmongering, anti-social, murderous Western governments are replaced, with all their henchmen (administration, judges, police, mainstream media, etc. p.p.). So that there is finally peace again.
    So: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ma9Spq7uG0

  9. Dear friend, genuine repentance and recitation of those words will protect you from coronavirus:

    "F a l u n  D a f a is Good" and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance is Good".

    F a l u n  D a f a  (or F a l u n  G o n g) is a spiritual cultivation practice for mind and
    body that is widely spreading in the world, it is based on the
    principles of the Universe:

    真 Truthfulness
    善 Compassion
    忍 Forbearance

    It includes gentle exercises and meditation. It helped millions of people
    to regain health, peace of mind and obtain spiritual fulfillment. Since
    1999 this peaceful practice has been brutally persecuted by the CCP (Chinese communist party) in
    Mainland China. More than 100 million people around the world practice Falun

  10. There is a fundamental issue in all of this. With the expansion of the EU and NATO after the fall of the Soviet empire, Russia feels threatened, and this is a historic feeling in the face of the West for the experiences with Napoleon and Hitler. The fact of possessing a vast territory was fundamental for the final victory in both cases. The retreat and scorched earth tactics were decisive for Russia. Today war is different, distances are no longer so important, but they remain vital in Russian and Putin's psyche.

  11. The US here is like that bully club leader asking their friends to attack someone together. Sanctions! Israel expanding their country out of nowhere by attacking Palestine, they support. Russia coming to Ukraine for peace talks, they bully. What kind of international laws that they’re referring to? How convenient.

    Just mind your own business before even trying to police others, your own country might need more attention I suppose.

  12. Putin is doing exactly what Americans expected. This is no surprise to anyone it was just a matter of time. The worse is yet to come and America knew this was coming. Smfh

  13. Those people in Donbas don’t want anything to do with the Ukrainian government… it’s actually a civil war for the last 8 years… stop forcing your will on people who don’t agree with your politics etc and let them be!

  14. Under Obama, Putin gained Crimea. Under Biden, Putin gained half Ukraine to date. Yet, the Democrats claimed Trump has Russian collusion. I wish people have self critical thinking than being fooled by media.

  15. He's wrong at 1:54. Recognition of independence and sending peacekeeping force cannot be reasonably used as a pretext to invade further into Ukraine. To me this indicates Putin's goal was truly to limit NATO expansion into Ukraine and nothing major like taking all of Ukraine or big parts including Kiev. Of course i could be wrong and we have to wait to see whether or not a big invasion comes. But I'm inclined to think this is the worst of it. And this is exactly what Putin did in Georgia 2008 to prevent NATO expansion. 7:05 restoring the Russian empire is BS! Putin is doing Georgia all over again and it is totally about blocking NATO expansion by creating breakaway territories that will never be recognized by the parent nation which then creates a permanent internal conflict situation that scares NATO members from voting inclusion which must be unanimous. This is exactly the scenario I predicted because Putin did it before in Georgia.

  16. OMFG!!! Russia wasn't trying to invade Ukraine. MSM twisting it to fit their narrative. NATO WAS TRYING TO EXPAND EASTWARD. As of 2021, NATO officially recognizes three aspiring members: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and Ukraine.

  17. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
    Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”
    Romans 3:23-24

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