SCOTUS hears arguments on landmark abortion case

Thousands of protestors gathered at the Supreme Court steps while the justices heard arguments on the Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.



#WorldNewsTonight #SupremeCourt #MississippiLaw #AbortionBan


Author: avnblogfeed


42 thoughts on “SCOTUS hears arguments on landmark abortion case

  1. If you ask me to define myself as either "pro-life" or "pro-abortion", I would have to answer I am "pro all three lives".

    I am pro life, with reservation for extreme and rare exceptions handled appropriately, such as malformation, or the shared reluctance of both parents in accordance and in accountability before the law. We cannot and should not obligate women to bear children, but we can make a society and a culture that results in very rarely occurring undesired cases warranting abortion, and when we do it it should be not involving dismembering, but through much more compassionate passive methods.

    The key in my understanding of this subject matter, is equalizing the male's participation in every instance and at ever level according to his gender role before the question of a possible abortion. If the male does not want an abortion then the baby should be born, just as today we honor the women's wish regardless of the male's disposition. If a male forced himself or attempts to disappear, the law should bring him to accountability at the time of that abortion, and not treat the two matters separately. What this means is that if a woman presents herself independently before a doctor to have an abortion, it should be illegal to hide it from the father, and it should be the woman's and the state's responsibility to present that father before the medical institution and the law before the abortion in those cases where he is not present or cannot be immediately located in order to obtain his recognition and acknowledgment of the situation, as well as his wishes. Extremely dishonoring circumstances such as rape would at this point offer the women the option of aborting, but only after the transgression was made evident.

    The point of this different way of reasoning abortion is that by installing these new or rather revised principals and values through the law, our future generations will have a different much more responsible and mature attitude as part of their cultural personality towards sex, honing our future youth to know how to burden properly the responsibility of sex rather than already start early on thinking of delegating it to the medical institution or the area of civil rights law, which today are thought of as being there to clean up our mistakes and neglects.

    Pregnancy and the unfortunate event of an abortion should be about how human we are, and what caliber character of a society we build for our country. It should not be a matter of pseudo-logical ideologies focused on directing people's behaviour or their thinking. It should be a matter of shoring up the natural social form evolution gave us including its natural psychology by being sensitive and responsive to its unchangeable design. Needless to say we should also make an effort at the cultural level and stop teaching our youth and children that sex is just a passtime or adventure, or a question of category choices and social groupings. We need to become a more responsible and mature society about our true physiological form and about ourselves by being more observant and mindful of our naturally evolved form, rather than think we can instruct our social form through conceptual structurally artificial ideas based on creative life philosophies.This is how we will come to have tomorrow a tiny fraction of the number of abortions we have today. We will achieve it by addressing the rights and responsibilities of all three lives, not just two lives, not just only the will of one of the three beings who are concerned in the matter, finally solving the problem through a natural conscientious balance that should work itself out with our proper support in the right places. A problem we ourselves created the day medicine made available this lamentable self deprecating procedure.

  2. Amy Coney Barrett, she, being a Trump Appointee will Definitely reverse Roe V. Wade… Boof Kavanaugh also a Trump/McConnell Appointee should not even have a Say, being accused of Rape on the Threshold of his Appointment to the SCOTUS, he only knows how to Drink and Patronize Women, Now Boof and Amy can force women into what they can't do with their Bodies.. That's like the Elephant in the Room, making the Decision…. Get it, GOP: Elephant in the Room… Sometimes Politics Does Not Belong In Our Courts…

  3. It doesn't matter what the out come is the end time is coming and all will be judge by our Father in Heaven and they will pay a big price for there actions and NO Law will save them.

  4. I think this should be a practical issue as well as having a balanced argument on when does a baby become a baby. Instead of banning or not banning to the extremes…create and regulate a set of laws that makes sense… aborting at late stages is very different than at the beginning when it's merely a speck, potential of life while yes is there…we need to be practical…too many babies get left abandoned, too many kids grow up only to die drug addicts or homeless…those people you see on the streets that some say are sucking up our resources and we don't want them…they were babies once. if we don't have an infrastructure to accommodate the millions (one person here said 50 million babies killed in a year…) well that's a lot of extra people the country will have to support …the government will have to help and we all know nowadays there's a vocal minority or majority that do not want the government yet I've seen plenty of 'right/conservatives' give up custody of their children and ask for welfare checks. Before you say anything, I'm not really left or right…maybe a centrist, I am for practical common sense laws that consider people in all situations and we can't just boil it down to saying someone is killing a baby when it's not even a fetus or whatever stage. Things happen and people have a right to choose how they want to live their lives…so many of you say we should have a right to choice but when it comes to having the potential of a baby all of a sudden you have no rights and must now raise a child you never planned to have. Think about common sense rules of when and when not to be able to abort and what happens if you're forced to have it? There should maybe be help to take care of that baby if the person can't take care of it. This is not about Dad's or Mom's say… imagine having a dad or mom who found out she's pregnant by accident a month or month and a half (or even 2) later and they both agree it's not the right time, they have no money, they have to give it away? they have a chance to abort safely without any pain done…we are cruel to animals but care about a tadpole…hell I've aborted billions of babies in the toilet every morning…but no one care about the potential 2.3 trillion babies I could have had. (that's a joke…relax.) I'm baffled by conservatives…I just think politicians use abortion as a case to get them voted in…they could care less….they will be complaining when we have an influx of population that need help and welfare etc. and when it hits the Rich People's bottomline…you can bet they will start thinking about instituting child limits.

  5. Abortion is NOT a constitutional right.
    It’s modern conjecture of the 4th amendment for political purposes.
    Also it’s ironic that the protest is about “pro-choice” but they are essentially forcing people to make the same choice as they are.

  6. Abortion is NOT a constitutional right.
    It’s modern conjecture of the 4th amendment for political purposes.
    Also it’s ironic that the protest is about “pro-choice” but they are essentially forcing people to make the same choice as they are.

  7. Lots of pro birthers are triggered when you tell them to be pro life you have to care about that beings life after they are born. And I would say if you force someone to live you are now responsible for them. the sad part is 20 years ago my position was pro life but too many people “conservatives” don’t like got help.

  8. How many woman have been forced to get pregnant in our country?

    How many woman die a year from pregnancies?

    Who gets to decide when developing human life becomes viable?

    Who gets to decide when developing human life is protected?

    Why isn’t it possible to be pro life, pro woman, and pro children at the same time?

    If abortion is to continue unabated why stop at the womb?

  9. ●○• ABORTION •○●
    I'm pro-choice & pro-life. To determine whether abortion is right or wrong, I first had to define what it meant to be "alive." Is "life" in the heart beat or in the brain function or both or neither? Is it in our memory or just our ability to think? At what stage is a person in a coma "dead?" At what stage is a fetus "alive?" When you cut out a frog's heart and dip it in water, it still beats for quite a while. At what point in time did the frog die? If a person's complete memory & personality was transferred into a computer or robot, would they "live on." Is a plant alive? Is a seed alive? After answering all these questions, I realized my own personal & current definition of life is that there are two forms of "life." A life with a soul and a life without a soul. If you don't believe in souls, then a thinking lifeform & a non-thinking lifeform. In regard to a "thinking lifeforms," life is the potential of a thing/object to think. A fetus therefore at any stage is by this definition alive. A person in a vegetative state with no viable way to reverse it is dead. A sci-fi machine with implanted memories that is turned off is alive because it can be turned on. The frog died the instant the heart was severed from its body.

    In conclusion, we have a right to choose what happens to our body, however, a fetus is alive and therefore it has a right to life. Regardless of rape or incest. The only reason that could justify abortion is if the potential life is endangering the life of another. Thus, leaving the choice of one or the other. The choice should be given to the one who can already think and not a 3rd party.

  10. Abortions are unconstitutional themselves, it goes against the right to Life, which is a constitutional right not even in the ammendments because it wasn't meant to be changed

  11. You can’t have any court in what is itself evidence of crimes against humanity like all settler colonialist states are incontrovertibly. It’s nothing but a white supremacy junta-tribunal Star chamber of injustice in a near 500 year old Eurasian/white pseudoscience settler colonialist state.
    All of the Eurasian colonizers, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Sundar Pichai, Stephen Colbert, both Harold and Kumar, Kumail, Seth Rogen, Bill Maher, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, mediocre nepotism elevated “White” person du jour, Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Ari Melber, Kathy griffin, Lady Gaga, Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, Cenk and Ana’s parents, Nancy Pelosi‘s ancestors kyle Kulinski”s ancestors all decided to come to America because they had “merit” even though they knew America was the most racist place in the world and was infamous for slavery, genocides, slaughtering all indigenous people and stealing all of their land and to commodify to pay for a structurally racist and structurally corrupt coercive monopoly of the state aka police, and massive massive discrimination to the point of structural dispossession for centuries and had a well-known racialized social dominance hierarchy of Eurasian settler colonialism, but their parents ignored that and came right over to enjoy the benefits of the most racist, genocidal place in history, & to move right into the neighborhoods where everyone else is redlined from because they enjoy the pseudoscience of “whiteness” because the 1997 office of budget management decision on so-called “race” as well as other racist legal decisions about the pseudoscientific racist legal construct of so-called “whiteness” created 100s of years before & after the racist racialist 1997 OMB decision, or they are from Eurasia in their centuries-old unnecessary Eurasian settler colonialist social dominance hierarchy, they’re obviously massive beneficiaries of the unnecessary racialized centuries-old racist Eurasian settler colonialist social dominance hierarchy and that’s absolutely racist and despicable behavior. They’re just like Mark Kirkorian, colonizers who came here for the unnecessary Eurasian settler colonialist social domination hierarchy they have been beneficiaries of since they came and which they have extracted all of their intergenerational and luxury from the unnecessary racialized eliminationist eurasian social dominance hierarchy and it’s centuries-old anti-indigenous and anti-Latinx/xicanx and anti-African eliminationism industrial complex the entire settler colony is built on. 😒 most of them were not missionaries and most of them were not refugees 😒 most all of these Eurasian colonizers were allowed into the United States during the 1924 national origins act codified immigration racism before the 1965 immigration act or the 1965 civil rights act or voting rights act. 😒WTF!

  12. We live in a confused society. How come when a pregnant woman is murdered the killer is charged with double homicide? Why do women get sympathy when they have a miscarriage but not when they get an abortion? Hypocrisy.

  13. The Father, Son and Holy are at work!

    God will NOT BE STOPPED.

    Praise God!

    This is not a "liberal vs. conservative, democrat vs. republican" issue at all

    It's The Father, Son and Holy Spirit doing this reversal to save HIS BABIES.

    God is neither liberal nor conservative, neither democrat not republican.

    God is doing WHAT HE SAYS IS RIGHT.

    Everyone else against The Final Decree of The Judge above ALL judges is wrong and defeated no matter what their protests!

    "The wicked will see it and be grieved, He will gnash his teeth and melt away; The desire of the wicked will perish." Psalms 112:10

  14. If are against abortion, explain quantitatively how your life would be better if abortion is banned. No rhetoric, just quantitative reasons, because it seems to me that a woman having an abortion or not having an abortion has absolutely no effect on your life.

  15. It has nothing to do with the rights of women.
    It has everything to do with the rights of the baby.
    Women can always be more responsible and use protection like a normal person with a conscience

  16. Long term it makes sense for conservatives to support abortion. The liberals generally support abortion, while conservatives do not; therefore, over time a vast majority of abortions will be from liberal parents whereas conservative parents will choose birth. Eventually there will be more conservatives while the liberals commit a version of self-imposed genocide; ergo, conservatives should support abortion. QED.

  17. First Nancy BANS the word "woman" from the floor of the House while AOC does verbal backflips to say "Birthing person" & not woman; but 2Day, there's a "woman's" right issue?

  18. If I were in front of Justice SodaMayor, I'd ask her this: "Precision in the law is key. So at what point can a doctor insert that syringe of neurotoxin into the baby's skull in order to kill it in vivo?" How do you abort a 9 month old baby in the womb or one that is coming down the birth canal? You have to kill it inside the mother of course…otherwise it will be live-born. So the technique is to go up the birth canal with a syringe of neurotoxin and kill it, then drag out the dead carcass…legally. "Justice SodaMayor, what if just the top of the baby's head can be seen from the outside…can the doctor inject poison into the baby's brain then? How about if only the head is out but the body is still inside? Can the doctor jab the baby brain then? Or will the doctor have to push the head back inside to do it? How about when the baby is outside the mother, hasn't started breathing but is still attached by the umbilical cord? Hey, still "dependent on the mother," right?" Let's see what Justice "Abuela's" Latino Woman Wisdom has to say about it. Or, can mom do what women do all too frequently: throw their newborn into a bus station garbage can, or the dumpster behind the 7-11. After all, throwing newborns into the garbage is a "woman thing." Toxic femininity = murdering babies. That's not a man thing. Whatddya say SCOTUS?

  19. Hey and all you liberal woke fake news folks, have you ever noticed all the people that are for evil baby killing abortion have already been “born”. Remember evil baby killing abortion is the work of Satan 👹So do you support doing the work of Satan too?

  20. You don't exist with out a Social Security number are unborn fetus going to get one so you can get tax crest for a 1/2 of a child? LOL.

    How about we first take care of the homeless babies we already have in America.

  21. If "pro-lifers" truly wanted fewer abortions, they would 100% support better sex education in schools and easier (or free) access to contraceptives. Those two things are the best and most reliable methods of reducing the number of abortions.

    Pro-lifers go on and on about "saving the life of the child", but what about the quality of life for that child? Are pro-lifers going to improve the country's foster care systems? Will they support giving financial aid to mothers who can't afford the children that they never wanted? I haven't heard them mention anything about what they are willing to do to support these unwanted children.

    Their actions (and/or lack of actions) show their true intentions. They don't really care about the children. They only care about punishing women for being sexually active. They want women to suffer because those women aren't conforming to their ideals and beliefs.

  22. Since this Mississippi law is very likely to be upheld, the next challenge I see from pro-life advocates will likely be the exemption to the US feticide laws for abortion. Someone is going to argue if the fetus is considered alive with a right to live for murder charges when a fetus is "killed"- regardless of viability, abortion would amount to intentional murder. I don't think Blue states are safe without this Federal protection. If pro-choice advocates want to codify this protection in US law they likely have until the next mid-terms to move it thru Congress.

  23. Since conservatives care so much about life, no more killing animals, for food, or euthanizing pets. Can't kill bugs in your home its a life too. No more complaining about handouts to single parents, going to have to force3 50% child support from both parents for child until 18. Every kid alive in america today needs to be fed, educated and in a shelter as soon as roe vs wade gets overturned. Don't care how much it adds to the deficit, this is what conservatives want.

  24. Viability doesn't mean anything. A fetus is potentially viable at 20 weeks if you live in New York City and have access to the most advanced intensive care technology, but isn't until about 26 weeks at the earliest if you live in, say, North Dakota. Viability makes no moral difference whatsoever. What does have moral significance is whether the fetus can suffer, and that isn't possible until around 18 weeks. And even then, from a utilitarian approach the momentary suffering of the fetus will have to be weighed against the potential pain it will cause the mother — in gestation, to give birth, and to care for it for a minimum of 18 years — as well as the pain it will experience throughout the course of its life and whether its life, on balance, will in some sense be "worth living." 15 is too early and 24 is too late to start restrictions in my opinion, but the idea that a woman will be forced to travel a thousand miles just to undergo a 15-minute procedure is absolutely absurd. If you don't like abortion, the answer is simple: DON'T HAVE ONE! But neither you nor anyone else has any right to prohibit others from getting one without sufficient moral jusification.

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