Some states beginning to lift restrictions, others lay out roadmaps | WNT

President Trump told governors during a Monday phone call that they should also “seriously consider” reopening their schools, as states continue to strategize over how to reopen their economies.




#WorldNewsTonight #COVID19 #Reopening


Author: avnblogfeed


48 thoughts on “Some states beginning to lift restrictions, others lay out roadmaps | WNT

  1. So many naive and impressionable cucks in these comments :/ everyone dies and 50,000 deaths is like you pulling a hair from your head :/ this virus is not as serious as they are making it :/

  2. No parent in their right mind will allow their children to go to school without mass testing for asymptomatic ppl (that means everyone)

  3. Its too soon to reopen I live in the UK and we will be home locked down for months to come and I'm happy with that we will come out when the time is right and this is not the time for America

  4. "test, test, test"
    Test every suspected case, if they are positive, isolate them and find out who they are in close contact with up to 2 days before the symptom and test them too.

  5. Please stay strong & safe America. Our lives are more important than the fast re opening the economy and more important than any political career making drastic changes. Please, I am on the front lines as a certified medical first responder who is suffering from covid19 not being able to be around my children nor am I able to be around my wife who is on the front lines employed as a nurse or my mother who is a former nurse practitioner with new health issues. I promise if anyone checks medical boards online based on the meetings, many medical professionals were silenced and we only get one issued mask per week, if it tears, we are refused a replacement in which I suspect gave me covid19 originally. Trump is lying on mask, ventilators and testing. Feel free to ask any medical professional in your family.

    Medical professionals were called thieves from Trump with his statement that mask & ventilators were going out the back door which is simply not true at all. 95% of the medical professionals are against Trump today over his false accusations according to the medical boards and if you know anyone in the medical field from your family, just ask them. It is hard on all medical professionals as it is but most importantly, we need everyone to do their parts on not rushing the economy and please do your part on staying in. This would help the stress level from those on the front lines. I have spoken to many in the hospital on the side that are having mental issues including some considering suicide.

    My wife is friends with two of them currently and she is talking to them on staying at our house while getting them Professional help so they are not alone. It is not fair that we are being called thieves by some of trump supporters to the point that my Hospital hired a off duty police officer to issue tresspass warnings banning them from the hospital because of their verbal attacks, at least 3 times daily repeating Trump's remarks. We don't want them not being able to see their families but we are not to be abused during the medical services either. Please be courteous everyone and please do not rush things. Safety first always, It is a must.

  6. This doctor saying she “ didn’t sign up for this” is a disgrace to her profession. She most certainly signed up for this when she willingly became a doctor. This is LIFE. Nothing is guaranteed and it is messy, unpredictable, and can be dangerous and uncertain. When you choose to be a doctor or nurse, you choose to put others before yourself in the midst of chaos and during the most vulnerable times in society. If she doesn’t understand this, she needs to find a new career.

  7. The USA is not professional. This is not the best medical treatment. No testing for 320 million. Tests should be finished for all 325 million by now. That would be professional. This virus would be under total control by now if we had a competent government. China will rule the world in 4 years.

  8. "Some states beginning to lift restrictions, others lay out roadmaps" with Georgia among the former, we, who are residing in GA, are working more diligently to find out immediately, at any given moment, who among us are unwittingly contagious, in order to convince them to turn around, go home, call their doctor, and self-quarantine per their doctor.

  9. How about the smart 1's continue wearing masks…and the NOT so smart 1's continue to cough in each other's faces shake hands and continue to spread Covid-19

  10. Suicide is something you do to end your own personal suffering. People are still suffering from covid-19. Abandoning other people who need your help for your own selfish gain is not something a hero does.

  11. The stay-at-home order in my area got extended to the end of May today. I know people are frustrated, but I'd rather be safe at home than risk myself getting sick or even killed. Even if the order was lifted, I still wouldn't feel comfortable going back out again

  12. I fukin dare one of these people in the south to come to any hospital asking for help from a doctor. As a doctor I would just say…sorry but you wanted this now here are the consequences

  13. It’s risky to reopen US at this very early stage
    Let’s see whether risk is sign of progress or not
    Hope people develop herd immunity and fight this pandemic

  14. People need to realize that this virus is here for the long run. The original strain will be an issue for another three years, minimum. We are a year out from first phase vaccine test completion, another six months after that for second phase testing. Plus you have to manufacture and distribute enough doses to vaccinate all major countries. You really want to be jobless for three years? Good luck keeping your home, keeping your family fed, your kids clothed and educated.

    People hear Doctor Fauci talk about these shelter in place orders like if we all just stay inside for a couple weeks it'll all go away. Sorry to burst your bubble but the virus is everywhere. There isn't a country that doesn't have cases. There isn't a State that doesn't have cases. You can shut down for a year and all it takes is one person from Idaho, one person from Australia, one person from Spain and it is right back to spreading through your State.

  15. Not the schools meaning when it comes to New York just open it back up so we can go back to work the children is doin online classes I don't think New York should risk it with the schools opening back up

  16. If any of you watch YouTube like you should about this stuff, it's all about population control. And definitely buy more groceries and milk

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