Texas residents come together amid devastating conditions

Many Texans are helping members of their communities despite their own struggles.


Author: avnblogfeed


45 thoughts on “Texas residents come together amid devastating conditions

  1. Wake up! Do not be deceived by "heartwarming" baloney or clever manipulations! The "Federal" Reserve just gifted $2 TRILLION to its banksters buy their uncollectible, mortgage-backed bonds in 2019 to 2020, when they knew that if the banksters attempted to sell such bonds, they would have had to sell them at ludicrously low prices: particularly, because real estate has been in a huge bubble for years and this pandemic has prevented so many businesses from opening, resulted in their insolvency and defaults on their rents and mortgages, and will result in many, many commercial landlords also being in default on their mortgage-backed bonds given to the banksters.

    Will anyone give even a fraction of such sums to the poor in Texas or those ordinary Americans who now face huge bills to repair their burst pipes or to buy water to give to their families because the water supply became contaminated? NEVER. There will be federal loans, which the Texas poor and middle class will have to pay for the next decade(s.) They will not get bailouts, because they do not control the USA, like the banksters control it.

    (The deceptively named "Federal" Reserve is actually owned by the ultra-rich who own banks that own the shares in the district banks of the "Fed." Those ultra-rich (the "banksters") always cause the "Fed" to pretend to act in the best interests of all Americans, while it actually keeps funneling TRILLIONS in funds to those banksters, who own it and control the US media as reported in Forbes Magazine, which reported that 15 billionaires own US media. See "Audit Of The Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion In Secret Bailouts" in countercurrents d o t o r g.)

    With this covid pandemic, I also must point out to all minorities but particularly to African-Americans, that you are being fooled by those in power with nonsense, like the tv shows "American Gods," into believing that things are changing. They are not, because those in power just want you to keep voting for them even though they secretly despise you and keep giving them power while you get nothing back, have to attend lousy schools, get inadequate nutrition from companies, like fast food companies that know that their food is hurting you, not qualify for significant sums in student loans, then not be able to get a decent job, and if you got any student loans, have to pay them for the rest of your life, because they are not dischargeable in bankruptcy anymore.

    Vote for your own people of your own race, poverty level, ethnic group, and religion, who will actually care about you and act in your own best interests and not for the corrupt "elites" who never represented your interests and got the $2 TRILLION in bailouts these last two years or $29 TRILLION during the last bailouts. See "Bernanke’s Obfuscation Continues: The Fed’s $29 Trillion Bail-Out Of Wall Street" in Huffingtonpost. See "The Fed's $29 TRILLION bailout of Wall Street" in multiplier effects d o t o r g. Take it from a fellow minority member.

    However, to all of you poor whites, wake up! You have also been getting the shaft for decades, albeit those who have been wielding it may have sometimes been of your own racial group. Support people who might care about you, because they come from the same position and poverty level and will return to it after they leave office. Not everyone is a crook. The banksters want you to give up, assume everyone is a crook, and just vote for and accept their crooks.

  2. Didnt Joe Biden say it would be a "dark winter"…hmmm
    Makes you wonder what role H.A.A.R.P. has to play in all of this ….

    Let's not bullshit here ….we all know this isn't anything normal or random ….this is weather manipulation and if you think they don't have the technology to Do such a thing then to you II say "GOODNIGHT SLEEP TIGHT" beecause you are a zombie

    The afterlife awaits all those who try to play "God"

  3. I love the fact that the Black Men in the Marlin, Texas Community stepped up to do what men are supposed to do for their community. I have never heard of this town until now. Wish I could be a part of such a strong community.💞✊🏿I am a Houstonian.

  4. From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi /

    https://twitter.com/Prophetyi Coninue /

    Cause of the disaster, Murderers in South korea and the United States are deliberately committing a crime beyond imagination to JESUS and his servant Prophet Yi and his family by abusing the National Security Law and abuse of authority. For their crime concealment, the power and money of the crime. For over 27 years, they have been committing crimes with a 24-hour shift. (Criminals, Mang-Won) What can you do in this situation? by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )

    From https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi and https://twitter.com/Prophetyi Continue

    South korea and United States are destroy by cruel punishment and all calamities and retaliation that are incomparable to Sodom and Gomorrah. The reason for the destruction is because of all the crimes that murderers of South korean and American have committed against JESUS and his servant, prophet Yi and Prophet Yi's family, for over 27 years. Even now. Amen. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Aug 30, 2020.

    Jay Leno, a murderer at NBC in the United States, has committed murderous murders on a 24-hour shift, along with South korean murderers, against to JESUS and JESUS' servant "Prophet Yi" and his family. 'Jay Leno' has robbed "JESUS servant Prophet Yi" and used it wickedly in the broadcast of his crimes. 'Jay Leno' has been making money for profit by committing a crime beyond imagination. Kill the vicious murderer 'Jay Leno' and his family and kill them cruelly in pain. Kill him in the pain of cruel massacre and abuse, incomparable to his crimes. Rob and destroy everything that he and his family is holding. The cause of all the calamities of punishment is Jay Leno's crime. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Sep 15, 2020

    https://twitter.com/CGTNOfficial/status/1307615483382755331/photo/1 They are well aware of the incident of this crime. Of course. About the 'National Security Law's Crime Broadcasting' and crimes that began in 1993 and 1994. Watching JESUS servant "Prophet Yi" 24 hours a day for a crime, they knows where the calamity of punishment comes from.

    He doesn't want panic.

    So he keeps committing the same crimes with the same criminals. Only for the sake of concealing the crime and the benefit of the crime.

    He knew that the people die more cruelly by punishment of GOD. And he knew that the country is destroying more cruelly than Sodom and Gomorrah. He said that the calamity of God's punishment will soon pass again.

    The abomination of lies is accompanied by more cruel punishment.

    Murderers in the United States and South korea die by they crimes in pain. More than they crimes. They doing crime committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families.

    Murderers in the United States and South korea die in divine punishment according to the crimes committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families.

    Not only South Korea and the United States, but also the criminals of all countries who have been committed to committing crimes even though they know the truth are also destroyed in cruel pains and abused to die.

    Not even compared to their crimes.

    24 hours a day without rest or equality.

    Make public and punish criminals of murder and massacre in South korea and United States. Punish them (Mang Won) so that they are incomparable to the crimes that have been committed against to "JESUS" and "Prophet Yi" and his families for over 27 years. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Aug 25, 2020

  5. God bless you all!!!!
    Praying that everything goes back to normal as soon as possible 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  6. SATAN IS EXPOSED!!!!! Hell was created for Satan and his fallen Angels(Matthew 25:41 AND 2Peter 2:4).Satan and his fallen Angels fought God’s angels to overthrow God but were defeated and were thus thrown out of heaven to the earth(Isaiah14:12-14 AND Revelation 12:7-10).Satan and his fallen Angels will be thrown into hell to be tormented 24/7 for ever and ever(Revelation 20:10 AND Jude 1:7).Satan and his fallen Angels want you to join them suffer in hell even though you were not part of the coup makers(Revelations 20:10-15).Satan, and for that matter his fallen Angels stand condemned by God and hence do not have any chance of repentance(John 16:11).Fortunately, you and I have up to minutes before our death to repent just like the criminal on the right side of Jesus on the cross (Luke 23:39-43) WHY NOT REPENT NOW AND GIVE YOUR LIFE TO JESUS?Since you don’t know how and when you will die, my brother or sister, THE TIME TO REPENT IS NOW!!

  7. I still cannot believe that Texas did not have a back up, plan, at least here in WVa, we still have ways to at least keep our elderly and children warm, but yes.. we also have outrageously electric bill, also, but never that high.. yet thank God!

  8. US open investigation of criminal Barack Hussein Obama !

    obama was

    https://youtu.be/rqiLixVWPBE via @YouTube

    버락 후세인 오바마의 충격적인 과거

    미국은 범죄자인 버락 후세인 오바마를 공개 수사를 하여라

    What did Obama in America do for black people in 8 years?

    Only he is shouting 'I can do it'.

    Was he dreaming of becoming a comedian?

    He doesn't seem to be able to do that. If he weren't the president, would he really make people laugh?

    Was President Obama's mother white?

    Obama of the United States is a citizen of the United States because his mother was an American citizen, right?


    Biden wanted to become president in order to hide the crime for himself and his son. Naturally, he wants to use the power of ex officio so that he and his son are not punished by the law for crimes. Bill Clinton and Hillary, and Bush and Obama are in the same situation as Biden.

    바이든이 대통령이 되기를 원했던 것은 자신과 자신의 아들에 범행을 숨기기 위해서이다. 당연히 그는 직권남용의 권력을 사용을 하여서 자신과 자신의 아들에 범죄에 대한 법에 처벌을 받지 않기를 원하고 있다. 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 그리고 부시와 오바마도 바이든과 같은 상황이다.

    For Biden of the United States, a strong countermeasure against China is a drama of lies and manipulation to be shown only to people. Already, Biden of the US is signing laws and policies for China.

    It will be very easy for you and your family to beg to die in the pain of God's punishment, Coronavirus 19 and mutations.


    This is retaliation between Hillary and House Speaker Palosi for Trump.

    It's a retaliation for Trump's saying four years ago that he's imprisoning Hillary. Trump had to imprison Hillary at my command. But he did not work. It is Trump's mistake not to follow GOD's orders.

    Biden's vice president, Harris, used the phrase'I have a dream' (Martin Luther King) in the Democratic Party's primary. And she is the one who said she would make that dream come true.
    When I said that Obama had already been president for eight years and that Obama did nothing for the black man, she didn't speak any more. Harris is not black. She is Indian and Indonesian. But Obama put Harris next to Biden and she became Vice President. The United States must now obey the orders of mixed-race children in India and Indonesia.

    이것은 힐러리와 하원의장인 팰로시에 보복이다.

    트럼프가 힐러리를 구속을 시킨다고 4년전부터 말을 한 것에 대한 보복인 것이다. 트럼프는 나의 명령대로 힐러리를 구속을 시켜야만 했다. 신의 명령을 따르지 않은 것이 트럼프의 실수이다. 바이든의 부통령인 해리스는 민주당의 경선에서 '나에게는 꿈이 있다'는말을 이용을 하여서 자신이 그 꿈을 이루겠다고 말을 한 사람이다. 이미 오바마가 8년동안 대통령을 했고 오바마가 흑인을 위해서 한 것이 아무것도 없다고 내가 말을 하자 그는 더 이상 말을 하지 않았다. 해리스는 흑인이 아니다. 인도와 인도네시아인이다.

    그러나 오바마가 해리스를 바이든의 옆에 있게 하여서 부통령이 된 것이다. 미국은 이제 인도와 인도네시아의 혼혈아의 명령을 따라야 한다.


    You must be think about the yourself and watch your mouth.

    Because you know who I am !

    I hope you and your family will beg to die in the sufferings of more cruel abuse from a mutation in God's punishment, Coronavirus 19.

    1 dead, several critically injured after tornado in Alabama https://youtu.be/6XfcgHxM16Q via @YouTube

    It will be very easy for you and your family to beg to die in the pain of God's punishment, Coronavirus 19 and mutations.


    Don't talk about yourself.

    I don't want to know about your unfounded and unfounded love.

    Don't expect someone else's love to only satisfy your mood and greed. It is proof that you are evil.

    너 자신에 대해서 말을 하지 말아라.

    나는 너의 근본도 없고 기본도 없는 사랑에 대해서 알고 싶지도 않다.

    오로지 너의 기분과 욕심을 채우기 위한 다른 사람의 사랑은 기대를 하지 말아라. 그것은 너가 악의 존재라는 증거이니 말이다.


    Dogs and pigs also express gratitude to their owners.

    How can they say that they have a religion and do politics?

    Can they thanks to JESUS with a soul?

    In the BIBLE said that those who receive grace and do not appreciate are wicked. They are only Satan and Devil. by Prophet Yi /

  9. The Lord knows what is going on He wants his ppl to come together. This Coronavirus has done nothing but separated humans and I pray it will all end. What happened to Texas is devastating and heartbreaking. May the Lord be with y'all. 😇🙏🙌

  10. Biden wanted to become president in order to hide the crime for himself and his son. Naturally, he wants to use the power of ex officio so that he and his son are not punished by the law for crimes. Bill Clinton and Hillary, and Bush and Obama are in the same situation as Biden.

    바이든이 대통령이 되기를 원했던 것은 자신과 자신의 아들에 범행을 숨기기 위해서이다. 당연히 그는 직권남용의 권력을 사용을 하여서 자신과 자신의 아들에 범죄에 대한 법에 처벌을 받지 않기를 원하고 있다. 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 그리고 부시와 오바마도 바이든과 같은 상황이다.

    For Biden of the United States, a strong countermeasure against China is a drama of lies and manipulation to be shown only to people. Already, Biden of the US is signing laws and policies for China.

    It will be very easy for you and your family to beg to die in the pain of God's punishment, Coronavirus 19 and mutations.


    US open investigation of criminal Barack Hussein Obama !

    obama was

    https://youtu.be/rqiLixVWPBE via @YouTube

    버락 후세인 오바마의 충격적인 과거

    미국은 범죄자인 버락 후세인 오바마를 공개 수사를 하여라

    What did Obama in America do for black people in 8 years?

    Only he is shouting 'I can do it'.

    Was he dreaming of becoming a comedian?

    He doesn't seem to be able to do that. If he weren't the president, would he really make people laugh?

    Was President Obama's mother white?

    Obama of the United States is a citizen of the United States because his mother was an American citizen, right?


    This is retaliation between Hillary and House Speaker Palosi for Trump.

    It's a retaliation for Trump's saying four years ago that he's imprisoning Hillary. Trump had to imprison Hillary at my command. But he did not work. It is Trump's mistake not to follow GOD's orders.

    Biden's vice president, Harris, used the phrase'I have a dream' (Martin Luther King) in the Democratic Party's primary. And she is the one who said she would make that dream come true.
    When I said that Obama had already been president for eight years and that Obama did nothing for the black man, she didn't speak any more. Harris is not black. She is Indian and Indonesian. But Obama put Harris next to Biden and she became Vice President. The United States must now obey the orders of mixed-race children in India and Indonesia.

    이것은 힐러리와 하원의장인 팰로시에 보복이다.

    트럼프가 힐러리를 구속을 시킨다고 4년전부터 말을 한 것에 대한 보복인 것이다. 트럼프는 나의 명령대로 힐러리를 구속을 시켜야만 했다. 신의 명령을 따르지 않은 것이 트럼프의 실수이다. 바이든의 부통령인 해리스는 민주당의 경선에서 '나에게는 꿈이 있다'는말을 이용을 하여서 자신이 그 꿈을 이루겠다고 말을 한 사람이다. 이미 오바마가 8년동안 대통령을 했고 오바마가 흑인을 위해서 한 것이 아무것도 없다고 내가 말을 하자 그는 더 이상 말을 하지 않았다. 해리스는 흑인이 아니다. 인도와 인도네시아인이다.

    그러나 오바마가 해리스를 바이든의 옆에 있게 하여서 부통령이 된 것이다. 미국은 이제 인도와 인도네시아의 혼혈아의 명령을 따라야 한다.


    You must be think about the yourself and watch your mouth.

    Because you know who I am !

    I hope you and your family will beg to die in the sufferings of more cruel abuse from a mutation in God's punishment, Coronavirus 19.

    1 dead, several critically injured after tornado in Alabama https://youtu.be/6XfcgHxM16Q via @YouTube

    It will be very easy for you and your family to beg to die in the pain of God's punishment, Coronavirus 19 and mutations.


    Don't talk about yourself.

    I don't want to know about your unfounded and unfounded love.

    Don't expect someone else's love to only satisfy your mood and greed. It is proof that you are evil.

    너 자신에 대해서 말을 하지 말아라.

    나는 너의 근본도 없고 기본도 없는 사랑에 대해서 알고 싶지도 않다.

    오로지 너의 기분과 욕심을 채우기 위한 다른 사람의 사랑은 기대를 하지 말아라. 그것은 너가 악의 존재라는 증거이니 말이다.


    Dogs and pigs also express gratitude to their owners.

    How can they say that they have a religion and do politics?

    Can they thanks to JESUS with a soul?

    In the BIBLE said that those who receive grace and do not appreciate are wicked. They are only Satan and Devil. by Prophet Yi /

  11. I can't tell if this will strengthen or weeken the Texan Independence movement. It's Texas' time to make or break their future as a potentially Independent country

  12. My heart goes to all those who were affected by the recent climate disaster.
    People who come together and help each other in these difficult times are so beautiful and will surly be blessed.

  13. The Chinese are buying and controlling most of our British colleges and universities. Our government who must be transparent, to us have kept this quiet. This goes on in the US to, are you ABC going to investigate this, and give us feedback ?

  14. I had FAITH they would. Texas has been through too much. With Liberals trying to turn Texas 🔵 I fear more tribulations, man-made.

  15. You need to kick people's butt for being out of power for the way there grid is and then there jacking some up huge power bills for no power and no heat.

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