The woman behind ‘Aunt Jemima’

ABC News’ Deborah Roberts reports on Nancy Green, the woman born into slavery who went on to create the Aunt Jemima pancake recipe, and whose family hopes to preserve her legacy.

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Author: avnblogfeed


49 thoughts on “The woman behind ‘Aunt Jemima’

  1. Wow this is insane Thank you for this post!! All this time I really thought she was not real till I found out some time in late 90’s .. when our parents asked us what we wanted in the grocery store our first choice was Jemima pancake and syrup,as growing up we didn’t think anything . Shameful they took this icon pancake image out of their products. It’s important not to erase our history. I truly love pancakes. ❤️🥞AUNT JEMINA will live forever in our hearts. (Nancy green)

  2. The real reason is because black people are complaining and crying staying at stereotype why would a box of pancake mix and Aunt Jemima offend you unless you're really have nothing else in your life better to do but you don't see any white people complaining about cracker jacks a little white boy that's on there that would be offending wasn't it but you don't see nobody complaining about it

  3. Our society today wants to rewrite all of our history it doesn’t agree with. I think Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were trailblazers for the African Americans. Before I get jumped for my comment please know my parents were killed when I was very young, and my godparents who were African Americans helped raise me! It shouldn’t be about skin color in this country. Cause if you cut anyone we all bleed the color RED.

  4. guys… lets get this straight okay?

    people are mad because 'aunt jemima' is a derogatory term that means a black woman who kisses up to white people (female uncle tom)
    and they could just use a different name for her….

  5. It's racist to have a black face on America's Best pancakes???🥞… I say it's not, the black community or the company Don't have the right to change the brand or not, I think the family of the lady in the brand should have a say in it… It's only right… I vote that we keep the black face in the brand👵🏿 and keep the name "aunt Jemima" in the brand of America's Best pancakes…. #keepAuntJemima

  6. I'm happy that the original aunt Jemima got a proper headstone I think Pepsi co needs to put her REAL face on the boxes and NOT listen to a bunch of whiny ass babies she was a trailblazer

  7. I was raised. On aunt Jemima pancakes I. Would be proud if I was black to have her on a box I hope to continue eating the pancake mix without any changes usually when something. Is good and really taste. Good some smart. Somebody has got to Change things leave it alone what’s it gonna hurt if it’s on there another. 50 years or so as you can tell. I’m. From. Georgia. J. M

  8. People need to stand up to these "woke " pc and cancel culture supporting companies like pepsi and disney and dont support any company of any kind including sports teams who cow tow to these selfish uneducated few with all this pc and cancel bullshit. But we keep letting ot happen and then whine on socials tather than take real action..shameful really

  9. So sad ..culture would rather worship rappers , thugs , gangs and terrorists like BLM and even kardashians rather than people like aunt jemima or dr.carver or X or MLK or obama etc…its easier to be the victim…

  10. Why bother showing this at all..apparently her own people arent that proud or aware of who she is or they never woyld have alloqed the woke cancel culture generation get rid of this amazing historical icon.

  11. I hope they leave the Aunt Jemima logo alone. I'm 72 years old…we always had Aunt Jemima pancakes for breakfast (if Mom didn't want to make them from scratch) and Aunt Jemima syrup (if we could afford syrup; a lot of times us kids were in charge of burning the sugar into caramel, adding the water and maple syrup 'flavor' to make our own syrup). Her face was always a happy person, someone we almost knew as a neighbor, a face that graced a lot of happy breakfasts especially Saturday and Sunday during the school year and a lot of meals during summer break. Her face was never associated with anything but happy times…at least to this person. It would be a shame if a generation of young kids missed that face because of what? The 'low' status of being depicted as a 'mammy'? I never understood what was a 'mammy' until I was a grown up and then I never associated the word with this lady's picture until the dustup surrounding taking her picture off the products. She wasn't a 'mammy' when she developed her business and even if being a home maker…or a 'mammy' back in the day…was low status compared with the 21st Century, neither job was less than honorable. No fault of the person in slavery what job she did, she did the job as well as a decent human being could do such work. NO dishonor, NO disgrace to her; she had committed no sin. As the business woman whose face is on the products…GOOD FOR HER! So please keep this lovely woman's face on her products…and to any body dissing 'low status jobs', get over your arrogance. The people, White, Black and Everybody else who work those 'low status jobs' keep the world afloat; they would be missed sorely if they disappeared from this Earth. And they have NEVER been appreciated and respected…or paid…as much as they deserve. Don't even try to tell me I'm wrong! The sad matter is this lovely woman is far, far more an icon of all the decent, honorable Black people in this country not because she was born into slavery and now is being given the 'dubious' status of a 'mammy' but because she is the spirit of most Black people I know, warm-hearted, decent, honorable, human beings. Not saying that all Black people are saints, they aren't all saints any more than all Whites are saints but the vast majority of them are the decent, honorable human beings I have known for many, many decades. The White supremacists delight in smearing Black people, delight in the depiction of Black people as thugs and worst…any derogatory depiction of Blacks in the news is pounced upon by those A-holes as 'typical' of ALL Black people as if Whites do not commit horrific crimes all the time. But NOBODY claims that ALL White people are criminals even when some gun nut kills his wife and kids then eats a bullet. In the battle of images Aunt Jemima portrays an ideal ALL people should recognize and respect and welcome. She lived through hard times but she left a legacy of happiness to generations of kids of all colors; that is going to be sad if it is lost with her image. If a more 'contemporary' image of a Black person is needed, promote it, but do not lose this lovely woman's face.

  12. I don't know the history behind the imagery on the packages. Some of it is probably not good, some is unintentionally negative, but some might be positive too. In the time since the TV news item aired, they have removed many images of non-white people from food packaging, a few sports images, and so on. Except the white folks are still on the packages. If all I see as a white guy are white folks, how is that an improvement? If all a black or brown or white kid sees has no black or brown or other kinds of people, how is that an improvement? If you never get to see anyone like yourself as a positive role model, or someone unlike yourself as a positive role model, what does that do to your self image, or to your image of minorities or the majority? Why not show positive role models, smiling, friendly, hard-working, proud, family figures, neighbors? If we all see a smiling face every morning with good food for hungry people, fixed with love, isn't that a good thing, to be reminded of? It can be made to be uplifting, not demeaning, not a reminder of a bad, racist past. I think we are in danger of being so eager to right one wrong, that we do another kind of wrong that could be just as harmful. And if we are going to remove the non-white folks from brands, then are we going to leave the white folks on brands? Hmm, how is that better? And showing real ethnic traditional clothing or faces? If that's offensive, then maybe we are letting ourselves get offended too easily. I hope we are not replacing one wrong with another. Why can't we do good and right instead? If we see positive role models of all colors, if we see true traditional ethnic representations, that's better and need not be racist. If we remove representation of non-white folks altogether, what message does that send, especially if we leave the white folks in there? Show what's positive instead. Be proud. Remind folks, white or not so white, that some other person can be a friend, can help, can be proud, works hard, wants to raise a good family, all those things. Let us see each other, ourselves, and folks who are a little different, in a positive light. Or risk not seeing ourselves or our neighbors. How can exclusion be an improvement over racism? Or is exclusion, removal, another kind of racism, however well-intentioned it might be? Are we getting too easily offended? Yes, work to correct old racist wrongs. But do so in a thoughtful manner. Show something good instead.

  13. I grew up with Aunt Jemima….those cold mornings of the 50's & 60's! To wake up thinking about her smiling face and delicious flapjack breakfast and sometimes supper awaiting… poor GI's kids (we didnt know we were poor) we ate good and healthy! And what a treat….especially with her brand syrup when quickie home made "something like syrup" was the norm! And now the DAMN FOOLS AT PEPSICO DECIDED TO GET STUPID and erase an ICON to every color, sex, 2 legged mullet, conservative, lib & martian because of FAKE RASCIST & HOLIER THAN THOU BULLSHIT ! Our home has cancelled purchasing ANY & ALL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES associated with PEPSICO…Aunt Jemima brands…..YOU NAME IT! DONE! Never More Quoth The Raven!!!

  14. I think they need to start with the original face of Aunt Jemima and to each one who had their face on these boxes they need to bring it back and with each one of these beautiful woman face make a box with each one of their face on it I would love to see that

  15. I was shopping at Walmart couple weeks ago and I needed some cornmeal and there she was Aunt Jemima cornmeal mix I got it and I will definitely keep the package

  16. They should have left her alone she is a legacy who had a beautiful recipe to share and her wonderful smiling face in the box of it you people took it off how disgusting… her pancakes was the only thing I ever ate the taking her face off the Box and then you going to rename it it's like she passed away all over again I miss her pancakes so much,😥😥😭

  17. I am white and found her products excellent
    It's too bad we can't appreciate a icon because they want to remove her legacy

  18. Sad the sorry cancel culture of today took her off the products. Destroying history one bad choice at a time. Great story!!!

  19. Perhaps Quaker could have just changed the name of the name of the Syrup and pancakes to "Nancy's" and put a picture of Nancy Green dressed up in her Sunday best on the bottle and box.
    Seeing Green in her church suit with her hair done up nice would have been a much better option I think.

  20. P.S…those of us who were never racist only enjoyed the good taste which had a happy smile of a brown lady's face. Those who are racists have serious issues that they need to have addressed as hating one due to skin color is not normal. Nancy Green's face is normal! If her face goes I'll not buy that company's products again.

  21. I grew up with her sweet smile. To me she is pancakes & syrup. No other will do for me. Without her sweet face, well, guess I'll not have anymore pancakes. 💔

  22. Every bit of this is fear-based. Fear is what birthed racism in the first place! How does Society get more ignorant as time goes on? This is not progression people. This is actually Petty. Any one of those people on those products were so proud of where they had gotten to in life. And you're going to take it away? This just seems like petty nastiness guised as feeble attempts at equality. Feeble is an understatement to be forthcoming it's quite half-assed

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