The Year 2021: How leaders are innovating to save a climate in crisis

ABC News’ “The Year: 2021” reports on how Americans coped with extreme weather and some innovations in the race to combat global warming.

#ABCNews #TheYear2021 #ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming


Author: avnblogfeed


43 thoughts on “The Year 2021: How leaders are innovating to save a climate in crisis

  1. Idk, it probably is to late to “save” global industrial civilization. We are witnessing incredible extremes around the world, and we’re just at 1.2C above 1880. 2C is going to be hell on Earth. And we are going to blow through 2C.

  2. The whole reason we have a climate catastrophe on our doorstep can be traced back to one cause, population. No one wants to hear it but its the truth. its absurd the human desire and want for things, its fine to be greedy when the planet can handle it from a couple hundred thousand people. Not when it cascades into the billions. Nature is going to cull us and start again, in the near future humans will die in mass to famine heat disease natural disasters lack of resources , in numbers unheard of. Since we have grown out of control nature will control us. You cant expect to grow immense herds of cattle and pigs and deforest the earth to make lumber or clear the land for housing and cities , and pump every toxic and polluting chemical into the air and the earth without consequence, not in the numbers we do it in.

    We are the plague that caused this, we have exterminated whole species in our want, polluted our waters and used them up to the brink. The human race may not go extinct , but it will be culled back in numbers by a large amount.

  3. None of these "extreme weather" patterns are new. All of them have been happening at the same pace if not more for centuries. Sorry, but your propaganda is not going to do anything more than excite your religious base.

  4. Read the KJV Bible
    Give your life to Jesus
    Seek God

    Everything that’s happening now is in the Word of God

  5. The world 🌎 is crumbling, right in real time ⏲, right in front of us all, time ⏲ is 🏃‍♀️ running 🏃‍♂️ OUT ON TO SAVE OUR PLANET, 😳 AND LIFE AS WE HAVE NONE IT, ITS TIME ⏲ FOR EVERY NATION TO COME TOGETHER AND WORK TOGETHER TO SAVE THE PLANET AND THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD 🌎 GOD HELP US 🙏🙏🙏

  6. Right now America has shutdown most of its oil and gas plants and shutting down Coal Plants and Natural gas, we are now on our oil reserves and Diesel will run out late 2022, no food to your stores, plus the FDA is not giving framers help, stopping water to farmers, As China built 75 new coal plants and Russia doing the same, soon Starvation in America.

  7. It's been global cooling in PacNW USA since 2017 when NASA-NOAA observed sea level stopped rising and Mann's 'Hockey Stick'© was formally debunked in court. At first noticeable only if you farmed, but then this year monsoon 3 weeks too early and 1st frost 2 weeks too early. Now we're between two deep cold plunges that shattered existing cold records by -4°F, as they already did in China. So next year Biden is imposing our first Carbon Tax.🌈🎠🏆😱

  8. I don’t think politicians around the globe are overly concerned about this news event.
    Rare earth materials are still being dug up, coal is still being burned, air traffic has not yet come to a halt…
    the MOST EXPENSIVE energy source…‘ELECTRICITY’ would help with the air quality , considering it only needs water…a natural source from the earth…
    But,….As long as there is cash flow, and tailors to make suits, a long winded public speech announcing the need for change will not make any difference to the environment.
    Construction will continue, manufacturing of goods will be produced and delivered, technology will advance ….
    Politicians will keep reminding YOU, that WE all have the responsibility to do our part…lol
    Your part is to PAY!!!
    (while floods and fires and melting ice cont’s…)

  9. Well it's not like we have control over the oil and gas companies, do we? We, the average person, don't make millions or billions of dollars, do we? We are not the ones digging or sucking out the natural resources, are we? If you ask me, which they didn't, the government is trying to point the finger at us. But we need to point the finger at them. Because they're the ones handing out the big, fat contracts, and controlling who makes the money and who gets the kickbacks, from the said contracts. It's on them to make the changes that would count the most. The one thing that we need to control, is the trash. The waste that is created is astronomical. But there again, who controls the contracts for recycling? Not us. But the recycling is not happening in the right way to where it benefits Mother Earth. We need to ask WHY ARE MILLIONS OF TONS OF PLASTIC THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE RECYCLED, BEING DUMPED INTO OUR OCEANS? WHERE IS THE MONEY THAT WAS PAID FOR RECYCLING? WHO POCKETED THAT MONEY? There is a documentary about this on YouTube. It's very eye opening. And it would seem that our entire government is corrupt. What can we do to fix global warming? Truly, what can we do? We cannot even get our votes to count for anything, when the government just find ways to infiltrate the voting process and change it to the way they want it to go. We, as American people, are screwed. Because what can we do???



  11. Geologists have a concept which they call "deep time."

    This means that geological time is so much greater than the lifetime of a human, or even of the human species, that outlandish analogies must be used to explain it.

    I have developed a concept that I call "Deep Stupid!"

    This is the kind of stupid that surpasses all ordinary human understanding. 

    There are some people who are so deeply stupid that nothing can persuade them otherwise. If such a person believes that 2+2=5, there is nothing you can do to convince them otherwise. 

    Or if you show them a banana, together with overwhelming evidence, they still see an apple!

    OK everybody, now let's go and do something really stupid and expensive.  Let's build millions of concrete and steel towers; hundreds of feet high, with gigantic propellers that spin at 300mph to make mincemeat out of any birds or bats that happen to be flying through!  And let's cover the fields and forests with millions of acres of solar panels that come all the way from China!

    This will create millions of jobs, first in construction and then in maintenance.

    Of course this will drive up electricity prices to five times what they are now, with plenty of blackouts. 

    In 20 years the same stupid assholes will be yelling "ICE AGE", and all this folly of construction will be left abandoned! 


  12. Its not too late? The Arctic sea ice is in terminal melt. We can expect a Blue Ocean Event (fewer than one million square kilometers of reflective sea ice cover) within a couple of years. The Arctic Ocean will then heat at an unpresidented rate and driveng AGW into civilization-destroying range. For a few years (<10> ) this will make the opening of a sea lane passage for Russia a reality. . Pres. Putin has authorized the reopening of old Arctic naval bases and new ones, some closer to Alaska than to Moscow. Russia's Siberian tundra is melting, and spewing carbon dioxide and explosive methane into the sky. The tundra there sometimes explodes producing craters and even catching on fire. The melt even exhumes rotting raindeer bodies spreading anthrax to local citizens.
    Meanwhile, middle latitude droughts are killing forests and turning savannas into desert here in Mexico, Northen China (Inner Mongolia), the Sahel, and Southern and Eastern Africa are turning into deserts. Famine is spreading in Ethiopia and Kenya.
    The Brazilian Amazon rainforest has been clearcut for lumber, and slashed andburned for unsustainable ranching in nutrient-poor tropical soils that soon bake into a sterile laterite . This soil then erodes and washes away. Fertile soi and millions of species loss have turned the Brazilian Amazon into a net producer of "greenhouse gasses" instead of the sink that it used to be.
    Some 90% of geerated atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed by the World Ocean acidifying it while heating from AGW. The combined effect has been to kill soe 40% of te Ocea's oxygen-producing marine phytoplankton.
    Its not too late to stop the Arctic melt, the midlatitude droughts, "un-extinguish" the millions of lost species of the Amazon, or repopulate the marine phytoplankton? As prof. Guy McPherson points out, its only "hopium" that we can, And, we have not even consdered the 65 feedback mechanismsl like the darkening of snow and ice by carbon soot, that he has pointed out.
    We are well into Earth's 8th (at least) mass extinction and it includes us. old geologist

  13. Exactly, scientists have been saying it for decades and governments have ranted and raved about it for decades all while doing jack about the issues. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, politicians skate by worry free and god forbid anyone try to live sustainably and not contribute to corporate greed. We all need to take individual stock of our situations and start living for ourselves and our communities again. Shop responsibly and stop supporting a wasteful greedy economy that sells junk that wont last. Buy local and start bartering with friends, learn new skills, grow some food and teach our kids to cook with real ingredients.

  14. Lies, nothing but lies,

    Nothing is wrong with our planet, but the idiots who are allowed to control the population;

    We definitely need to send all of those idiots into outer space, and our world will be a much better place,

    I’m just saying

  15. lol.. humans are so arrogant. climate change means the climate shifts and changes. it happens over long time periods… and its nothing new to earth, just to people.

    look to the past and see the future.

  16. Self interest is for the past; common interest is for the future. D.Attenborough

    US: The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive. D.Trump

    Native: Your kids can name more KPop groups than types of trees. S.Sherman

    COP26 is blah blah blah while the US and Manchin back their oil and coal company self interest dividends over climate change.

  17. Here's a great and most wonderful idea; sense Global Warming was proven a hoax lets simply change the name the Climate Change and keep pushing the same lie's, after all we've got to keep coming up with ways to take more money from the poor so the rich can have it all.

  18. There comes a point of no return. And it's already past that point. We've been fighting climate change for decades and no one listened. The consequences of inaction are already upon us. Wake up!

  19. Obviously, it's never too late, but the later we change, the worst it gets, so the 'not too late' is a very misleading statement.
    We've already gone past the irreversible line, what matters now is how far we'll push our luck until we actually change.

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