Ukrainian President Zelenskyy details allegations of Russian atrocities in Bucha

Zelenskyy spoke virtually to the U.N. Security Council.


Author: avnblogfeed


25 thoughts on “Ukrainian President Zelenskyy details allegations of Russian atrocities in Bucha

  1. People are really easy to deceive.
    Humanitarian supplies to the civilians of Bucha City before massacres. This wastes a lot of materials.
    The biggest beneficiaries are Zelensky and the United States.
    Zelensky could summon more weapons and the US military-industrial complex could make more money to rig the next presidential campaign and start war again.
    So my question is… why is Russia doing so much for Zelensky and Biden?
    – —— ——— — —– — —
    The United States has waged the most wars in the world.
    More than 100,000 civilians were killed in the United States.
    Am I the only one who knows this world?

  2. if ya cant make the translator clearly heard over Zelensky, theres no reason to ahve her talking and makign word salid out of everything

  3. Timeline regarding Bucha killings is quite suspicious.

    • March 30: Russian troops fully left Bucha

    • March 31: Mayor of Bucha confirms, Bucha is liberated from Russian troops (No mention of Massacre)

    • April 1: Ukraine's MoD posts on FB: "after leaving Bucha, Russian troops placed mines on civilian infrastructure" (No mention of Massacre)

    ° April 2: Special Forces SAFARI enters Bucha to begin clearing operation of "Russian accomplices"

    • April 2: Head of Kiev Territorial Defense posts video, "without blue bandages, are we allowed to shoot them?, of course!"

    • April 2: Ukraine reports Bucha Massacre allegedly by Russian Forces

    • April 3: Russia denies involvement in Bucha. Calls for urgent UN Security Council meeting to be held on April 4 to discuss the accusations made against them and call for an independent investigation. Britain is blocking Russia's request

    An Independent investigation makes sense though ! Wonder why wouldn't UK want that?

  4. Bucha is a cynical provocation by the USA, NATO and Ukrainian Nazis!!!

    Notice how Mariupol disappeared from the agenda. No one remembers the maternity hospital and the drama theater anymore, none of the foreign tourists go there with a high-profile humanitarian mission, scary stories about those who were shot and dying of hunger suddenly stopped appearing.
    And why? And because, firstly, the “heroic defense” of the city turned into a grandiose defeat, secondly, thanks to the Russian army and our people, the city came out of the basements and stopped starving, thirdly, those who killed people and generally staged this whole genocide, either went to Bandera, or surrendered, or huddled in a corner and think only about how to escape.
    Therefore, everything. Finita la tragedy.
    No more tears and slogans from the "save Mariupol" series.
    Moreover, at the very moment when the whole truth began to be revealed and uncomfortable questions and claims against Zelensky were about to pour in, the “Buchan massacre” happened so “successfully”.

  5. Who can explain to me:Why this form of torture and "genocide" has not happened in other – i.e. all, most or even many – cities occupied by Russia (unless done by Ukrainians)? Why the Russians and the locals would leave bodies out on the streets for weeks and then leave evidence of atrocities behind as they move on to their next mission in orderly fashion?Why none of the images of bodies turned up during these weeks, when facilities such as Internet in the city were still operating?Why Russians would leave all these facilities still operating and for no obvious reason torture and kill just these few people?What you "know" about Putin being responsible for this – even if it was Russians who are responsible, there's no pattern of this and it may have been rogue soldiers?Why this belongs in a category of "genocide" where thousands might have been blown to pieces just to pass the time, but were left unharmed?Why satellite images of blobs are sufficiently convincing "evidence"?Why a thorough investigation from many independent parties is not underway, given the seriousness of accusations an capacity to proceed?Especially, why the mayor of this town failed to mention any of this atrocity in his "reclaimed city" victory speech? Because all I see otherwise is a mindless hatred of Russians and no answers. Thanks.Why, also did these images appear the day after Ukrainian leaders were quoted at stating they were going back to the town specifically with an agenda to "root out and destroy all those residents who cooperated with the Russian soldiers?" As one other commentator put it, "Perhaps for selling the Russians some eggs, they were then killed?" It's potentially a similar scenario to the fate of so many Afghans who worked with America and were then left to be tortured and killed by their fleeing "allies". Are these bodies real? I've even heard – not seen – of footage where some bodies lying down waved during or sat up after they thought the camera rolled by. True? I'm tempted to say they were calling for help, if it is true, but not after lying in the street for weeks first, I'm sure. So, are the dead actually Russian sympathizers killed by Ukrainians? Please demonstrate how that could not be the case? Ta. Note: It strikes me as perfectly obvious, given all that I can learn and with all my critical thinking at play, that Putin did not approach this event with an agenda to torture and kill Ukrainian people. There is solid room for doubt in every aspect. Peace is required now, and OUR decency in practice is critical before we preach and damn – and destroy – others from what we don't know.

  6. FAKE NEWS CHECK: If we want to figure out the Ukrainian government's accusation of Russian mass murdering people in Bucha, we need to watch a few videos first. First would be an excited, happy statement from the Bucha mayor. In the video, he states, all happy and excited, that Russians have left on March 30th, and not a word from him, that Russians have killed hundreds of civilians and committed atrocities. The second video is from the Ukrainian special unit that was the first in Bucha, ensuring no Russian forces left in the city. You can see on the video they are driving throughout Bucha and talking to locals. There are no dead bodies anywhere to be seen, and non of the locals mention any dead bodes or any atrocities by the Russians. Then the most important thing we need to look at is that before Ukranian government decided to publish their information in regards to Bucha, there was no information from any local civilians whatsoever anywhere in regards to Bucha atrocities, no videos, no pictures, nothing until the Ukrainian government decided to release their version of events.

  7. Putin started a war and is in Russia NOT Ukraine.

    If Putin told Europe to jump in the lake, would they?

    Go find Putin and kick his ass or we'll tell your mum !

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