Vladimir Putin’s rival remains in coma

Reports say German doctors have been granted access to treat Alexey Navalny after Russian doctors said they found no signs of poisoning.


Author: avnblogfeed


41 thoughts on “Vladimir Putin’s rival remains in coma

  1. Kill and Don't Answer !! – Be like Putin!

    No one has supported Putin in Russia for a long time. This is due to his disdain for ordinary people – citizens of the Russian Federation. Or rather, because of the illegal attitude towards them by law enforcement agencies. This man crossed all conceivable and inconceivable boundaries of all kinds of rules. He and his subordinates do practically whatever they want throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. This is due to the imperfection of Russian Legislation, and a large number of legal tricks they use to achieve various goals. And, also, their own impunity associated with the power structure of their organization. These people, without fear of anyone, beat ordinary citizens to death with their hands, feet, and metal pipes, right on the streets of cities. This is done in order to intimidate the rest of the population in relation to the importance of their personality; and to demonstrate their own indisputable all-accessibility, permissiveness, and irresponsibility in everything, in front of all people of Russia. Concealment of evidence of criminal actions their own employees, falsification of facts, theft of material evidence from the living quarters of victims, freezing of cases at the initial stage. Bullying of sick people, attacks on sick people, persecution of sick people, constant provocations and intimidation, abuse by drug addicts-cop and extortion police against sick people, and much more. Indulgence of Putin in the actions of the police in these matters – that is, the continuation of inhuman and immoral actions by the police officers in the previous regime and in the same order; and a complete lack of visible efforts on the part of inspection bodies (the prosecutor's office, their own security, and, also, the President of the Russian Federation).

  2. Secure power by eliminating competitors and use it ( power) to exert dominance and discipline across the realm – Emperor of Holy Russian Empire and destroyer of tiktok Chad Vlad Putin !!!

  3. I think, Germany is a very very bad country, because i live there. In Germany, poor people do not get any vocational training. Instead, people, who seeking vocational training, work forever for their german jobless money, and do dirty and physically difficult jobs in very bad workteams only.Even in the poorest countries of world, people get standart vocational training.I think, that learning of german language is not worth,because you can become a disgusting garbage collector or disgusting dung collector in this country only. Poor Bolivia is unfortunately a thousand times better than Germany.Local and foreign people receive normal vocational training there.That is why it is also worth learning to respect their language.

    When you come to germany to northeim and moringen, there are a lot of nazis there.If you speak english there, they will run away or discriminate against you.

    The German work system basically forces to physically hard work instead of professional training. She will pick your bad qualities, will blame you, but give no professional training. And if you get sick in this country, in reality you will be sentenced to the worst jobs or to poverty.

    In Germany, violence at the internship is common, and the German authorities cover it up and the police turn a blind eye to it.

    There are no girls, no vocational training, there is only hard physical work against one's will.

    German counseling centers and companies carry out dirty manipulations with the poor people, which do not have rights,so that they only do dirty jobs and can not learn a normal profession.

    This happens, because only rich german people with high social status get a decent profession in Germany.German aid organizations and government organizations also ignore poor people when they need professional education or vocational training.

    Germany is very very bad country, i think USA and Canada are thousand times better.

  4. Putin is a GREAT leader for Russia, yet as always any leader that cares about his people like Putin does, never sits well with the CORRUPT WESTERN ELITE and LEADERS! Shameful = ABCNews

  5. The American Media is just CORRUPT and the way the lie their asses of about TRUMP just proves that day in and day out! American elites need an enemy to blame and so they target Putin with their LIES and DECEIT! No one gives a crap and no one believes your LIES anymore!

  6. Why can't western leaders and countries mind they own business, instead of constantly making Russia to be the bad guy, almost all Western leaders especially the one's here in the good old USA are CORRUPT, they lie, deceive and bullshit people. That is the very reason why TRUMP got elected! The entire system is just CORRUPT to the core, Rome was just like this before it came crashing down!

  7. FACT: If Putin wanted this traitor Alexei Navalny dead, he would be dead. You honestly expect people to believe your CORRUPT LIES, unlike corrupt western politicians and elites, Putin actually saved Russia and cares about his people but the WESTERN leaders cannot just leave the guy alone, they have to keep on poking him and one day he will retaliate against these fools and then they will wake up!!!

  8. This is nothing more than shameful garbage! People are smarter than this! Talk about media groups like this peddling lies and lies! This is exactly how Rome was before it was burnt to the ground! The political elite are CORRUPT and as usual President Putin gets blamed for every damn thing. Shameful!!

  9. The biggest problem is the vast majority of stupid people who are disciples of dictators like putin and Xi ,they are rampant online, look closer and find these bots are like Vermine.russia doesnt have a government its a dictatorial Regime.in power for more than 21 years.

  10. Don't forget it was Putin who stole millions from the city of St. Petersburg after his departure from the newly fallen East Germany….. then later it was Putin that was the mastermind of the bombing of all those apartment buildings in Russia that killed over 250 of his own countrymen and wounded thousands. He did it so he could then use the tragedy for his own self benefit. Sounds like Trump right? Trump sows division in America then rushes in troops to show he is all about law and order…. Thump gets his playbook from Putin no question. Make no mistake about it, Putin stole billions from the Russian people and he murders any Russian or anyone else that threatens him or reveals his shortcomings. PUTIN IS A THEIF AND A MURDER!!

  11. I t doesn't make sense to me because Putin had that guy under control anyways, and Putin was gaining support from people from the West as not being as bad as China! It just doesn't make sense, I think we should look at the people who were backing hi Rival> He obviously became a bad investment!

  12. the human race is composed of a countless mass of people who just want
    to lead a simple joyous life, and a small percent of people who want power
    and more wealth than anyone else. chemical warfare is in the hands of people
    who want to keep their power and wealth, to suppress any movement against it.
    the existence of chemical agents to kill people is the most horrifying product of
    war and hate. there are countless instances of using chemicals to poison
    and kill life going on throughout the world. there is no medical science that can
    counteract and vaccinate against these agents. we will never be safe against this
    until we elect governments that only focus on protecting life, not killing it.

  13. Still of course russia intelligent know he would drink a cup of Tea.?
    It Can be shadow operation, if taken something but just the right dosis not to kill u
    How ever I Hope he Are well,

  14. As a Russian citizen, I can assure you that Putin had no intention to poison Navalny. Right now it is absolutely unnecessary and even bad for Putin if something happens to Navalny because all accusations will fall on Putin. Besides, if Putin really wanted him dead, he would have died in a car "accident" or they would have used some other much stronger position with no chance of survival. Moreover, Putin now is having a lot of problems with Khabarovsk and Belorussia, so Navalny is definitely not the most important item in the list.
    I don't know who and why tried to poison Navalny though, but definitely it was not Putin.

  15. Navalny is not really an opponent for Putin, he is barely making 10%, and his ideas are borderline White Supremacist, anti-Chechnya and Nationalist.
    Strangely the USA and UK are calling him the main opponent to Putin, while he is just a marginal political figure. Putin is actually a moderate compared to Navalny.
    My theory is that he was poisoned by the CIA to create unrest in Russia, after Bielorussia, and to slow down North Stream 2…between Russia and Germany.
    In the USA people don't get poisoned, they commit suicide in their prison cell, are being imprisoned in embassies, or their kids are being killed at their doorsteps.
    Ask Snowden why he is in Russia…

  16. Navalny has very little support in Russia, his only support comes from Russia's Enemies, to describe such a marginal nobody as Putin's Rival is laughable, though to be expected from corporate news.

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