What is the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill?

The bill aims to remove schools’ ability to discuss gender identity and sexual orientation in the classroom.

#ABCNews #DontSayGayBill #FloridaSenate


Author: avnblogfeed


41 thoughts on “What is the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill?

  1. As a gay man I am so sick and tired of these leftist and the #MediaPropagandists making up these lies out of thin air. CRT has nothing to do with being gay. Unfortunately the crybaby liberal LGBT group will fall for it. Sad… the Media truly Is the Enemy of the People.

  2. this is one of the most retarded comment sections ive seen in a while if you want to go spread homophobic hate speech then go to a church or something

  3. The bill aims to remove schools’ ability to discuss gender identity and sexual orientation in the classroom to "elementary kids without the parents knowledge". i guess ABC forgot the last part.

  4. What is the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill? A democratic party propaganda reproduced by media about what in reality is an “Anti Grooming Bill”.

  5. Listen, the time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.Mark 1:15 Please think about it. Believe in God's son Jesus today, repent of your sin, heaven is perfect dont be left behind. Love Y'all

  6. Just loom at that idiot with the "protect our OUT choldren" sign…he is everything wrong with society…I'm pretty confident that 0 kindergarten kids are 'OUT' without persuasion from attention seeking parents 🙄

  7. LGBTQ advocates want to teach k through 3rd grade gender identity? What i their problem? Teach it to your own kids. These are private beliefs. What's next? We're getting prayers back in public schools?

  8. This is yet another example of the evil left lying about a bill and creating a fake aura of victimhood around it to oppose something that restricts their fascism. If people actually looked into this bill rather than believing the lies the media published about it as usual, they might realize they've been played this whole time.

  9. Fuckin retards never do their research, they just believe what they hear. It's so annoying watching these dumbass videos acting like kids can't say they have gay parents. It's specifically for kinds up to 3rd grade to ensure they aren't taught gender ideology.

  10. I like how the title says "claims". I guess we (republicans) should just be thankful they didn't take the post down due to "mis-information" I actually think the bill falls short. Administers / Teachers really shouldn't be talking about the sexuality to a 5 to 8 year old ON ANY ACCOUNT. This law should apply to all grades, not just K thru 3rd Grade. If I had a 5 or 8 year old and found out that an adult wanted to have a discussion about sex with them, while all my kid wants to do is pretend to be a dinosaur, well, I think I'd have to put a healthy beat down on that individual. I find it absolutely appalling. I don't care if schools paint the walls with rainbows and write gay all over it – don't have a discussion with my child about sex, or the orientation thereof. Focus on math, coloring, and the fu$@/ing sandbox.

    Let's all be very real about this. Progressives know damn well it has nothing to do with "gay". It's all about advocating transgender to our kids at an age to where they can be indoctrinated. Let's be clear about that. As slimy and undermining as they are, progressives have a real talent for redefining terms to fit within their narrative. Equally, they excel at re-branding policies to reflect whatever agenda they are advocating. And that's exactly what they did here. They re-branded the bill by calling it "Don't Say Gay" bill while there isn't one word or reference to this statement. And through the media's culpability, they easily get away with it. UN-BELIEVABLE!!!

  11. I wish I could live in a world where I can be myself, talk to my friends, and/or trusted adults about how we can succeed in life even with differences but with what I see happening now, it's hard to tell if it will come true. I won't give up hope tho, the world will be better if we can just be ourselves, love and respect one another, have an open mind, and maybe a better educational system, then maybe we have a shot to make a something spectacular!
    Sorry if this was long 😅 hope you have a great day and keep the positivity going! #saygay

  12. Isn't it common sense and decency not to teach sex in elementary school? It should be the parents' call when they feel their child is ready for this talk.

  13. I thought we had freedom of speech. This is ridiculous. I don't have nothing against Gay people, but hell they are to sensitive. So I guess this should apply to all people of color nationalities. NOT JUST GAY PEOPLE!!!! Also kids need to learn about math, English, and spelling. Now aways kids don't even learn cursive BIT yet they want them to learn about guys and transgender WTH. this is totally ridiculous

  14. You want to discuss gender identity to children when you haven't even figured out which of the 52 genders you think you belong. First, you're bi then you're gay then you become transgender then you're omnigender then you become nonbinary. You people are aliens.

  15. I hope they pass another bill expanding into 4th and onward. Im truly amazed on how stupid people are for not reading the bill. But they’ll believe any lie the media and democrats parrot

  16. I have a daughter in third grade and I don’t want anybody to talk to her about those topics while she is in school. I don’t want her to get confused. The only ones who have the authority to determine how my daughter is raised are my husband and I.

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