Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo defends his handling of sexual abuse crisis I Nightline


Malone has been embroiled in scandal ever since his former secretary leaked internal church documents to an investigative reporter.

#Nightline #CatholicChurch #Sexabuse #Chuch #Bishop #RichardMalone #Scandal #Priest




Author: avnblogfeed


39 thoughts on “Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo defends his handling of sexual abuse crisis I Nightline

  1. I actually thought it was only in Boston because with Cardinal Bernard law resigning. I thought it was just Boston but then I heard Pennsylvania and Texas ow boy.

  2. To all good Catholic's…. Leave the church while there is time. This is nothing more than man made dogma's, which is corrupt at it's core!  Being a former Catholic, I pray everyday for an end to this evil institution, which has very little to do with the teachings of Christ!

  3. popes, cardinals,bishops have all failed in protecting young boys from the church's pedophiles. priest pedophilia has and will flourish within the church until secular law intervenes and investigates. it occurs throughout the world. maybe the U.N. should put a watch on the Vatican ways.

  4. The invisible sky daddy works in mysterious ways. The lying sacks who can't come to grips with their fallibility. He was chosen by Rome for his ability to cover this abuse up

  5. Why the surprise? – he is a believer in the homophobic, misogynist, racist Iron Age biblical text, and a genocidal god who advocated for the rape of women and children (Old Testament). He was just doing what the bible taught him! Despicable.

  6. WHAT THE FUCK????

    Used to be just a chess piece that moved diagonally.

    It is impossible for me to accept any excuse the Catholic Church will conjure up. To pretend this isn't savage behavior is to be complicit. Rather than resign. Malone should have been calling 60 Minutes to discuss the hundreds of sexual predators his church was helping. To assist in applying secular laws and secular punishments. Laws laid out by the very people the government now warns is bad for society.


    Do you actually think that the ascension of Malone to Bishop was a simple matter? I would argue it was more like the following.

    They knew. When I say "They" I mean everyone that was currently a bishop and EVERYONE above that. NO exceptions! There is no possible way they allowed you to advance to a level of that order without carefully vetting you. Without due diligence. For what was at stake but the entire criminal organization. You can bet your ass there were meetings held to choose, to select, to parse the names submitted of people in the archdiocese that were aware of the issue and had voluntarily maneuvered to keep it where they needed it to remain. Top Secret. Fuck the kids. We rather prefer to keep our silly hats and titles. To be surrounded by gold and silver. Huffing incense.

    If ever there was a pact with the devil. This is it.

    Maybe I'm alone here? Maybe everyone around me thinks religion gets a pass on this. Not in my world. If anyone deserves to be burned at the stake. It is these people that for hundreds of years freely and willingly provided safe harbor for those among us that would destroy generation after generation of children's lives.

    People wonder why I rail against religion.

    I wonder why You remain Silent.

    That. Is what concerns me.

  7. The Roman Catholic Church used to be called the Unholy Roman Empire and the Pope used to be called the Emperor of The Unholy Roman Empire. Murdering Jesus [Christ] and then eating his physical body did NOT give them the moral high ground.
    The word / Title "Pope" means Holy Father … The word Father means "Creator" and belongs in its entirety to Our Father [God / Allah etc] …. To call yourself or be called "Pope" is to be called and worshiped as if you are God.
    The Catholic Church is a CULT that abuses words and their meanings for personal gain, they are NOT a religion … let alone religious.
    Other CULTS sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church are also NOT RELIGIONS.
    Religion is a word that describes the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or Gods.
    Our Brother who currently calls himself / is called Pope is NOT GOD !
    The word / Title God describes the "creator" of this environment, these physical bodies that are contained within this environment and these spiritual beings that are contained within these physical bodies.
    Whatever physical body you were apportioned for the duration of this current visit you were apportioned it by Our Father [God / Allah etc] and it is to Him you owe your debt.
    Not members of a CULT of false God worshippers in the guise of religion.

  8. That’s what they do play with the sexuality so that accuser can give a testimony 😒 church is the scam I promise you find Jesus on your own don’t allow no man to tell you to be the light of the world that gives them the fuel to blame the world ( you have been warned)

  9. 9:56 – asking for clarification/distinction about the question (coupled with his blubbering like Porky Pig!) are all signals that he is lying or trying to figure out how to technically tell the truth while lying by the sin of omission.

    "The half-truth is always the ally of a vice." – G.K. Chesterton

  10. Nobody talks about the God who knew this would happen from before the beginning of time. The all knowing all powerful God.
    Keep sucking out the demons.
    Foolish believers who do not read the book of faith. The doomed children who are offered up as a sheep
    mentality allows for the turning of the other cheek.
    If the religious don't bother who are we to judge. Separation of church and state.
    OMG what a goof on the faithful. You are the protector of your family. Not a born into sin, educated, non wife having, along with a tacit authority handed him by the parents for the children.

  11. Always angry and defending the priests. I grew up in the church, priests would get shuffled around if things came up. Disgusting to use your position of power and influence in the name of Jesus to recruit both boys and girls to molest and abuse. This is not what Jesus wanted for it's leaders. A lot stems from the fact that marriage is not allowed with Priests. Next best thing is to abuse and use children as sex slaves.

  12. He messed up at the very end when he said honestly and 100%. Sounded so uncertain and he wanted to say 100% first but he knew it wasn’t true and he doesn’t want to lie cuz he’s a minister lmao… so sad

  13. Catholic brothers and sisters there is only one mediator between you and God and that is Jesus Christ. Read your Bible. U all are blind following the devil into the ditch

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